Employers based in Norfolk or Suffolk can access a grant worth £1,950 to support the recruitment of a person aged 50+ with the creation of a work placement.
Pathways 50+ can help organise to grow and create jobs in the current economic climate and address challenges faced by diminishing resources and access to a section of the working age population able to offer a rich blend of work-readiness, stability and experience.
The Pathways 50+ team will provide a free recruitment service, enabling organisations to dip into a talent pool of candidates aged 50+ who are actively seeking work.
The £1,950 grant will help support a paid work placement.
The placement must:
consist of no fewer than 25 hours per week (it can exceed this)
have a total duration of at least 13 weeks (duration can be longer or permanent)
pay an hourly rate of at least the National Living Wage.
Pathways 50+ is a safe, effective and economical way for businesses to address and fill areas of skills shortages. Employers can try out a 13-week placement before deciding to continue on a permanent basis.
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