Equality and Diversity Policy 1
Last updated: June 2022
Appendix C
Equality and Diversity Policy
This policy sets out New Anglia’s commitment to equality and diversity in the workplace and
across its panels, committees, programmes and on its Board of Directors. A separate policy
exists to explain and promote New Anglia's commitment to equality and diversity in the work
it does in the New Anglia LEP area and the programmes it runs.
Equality is enabling opportunity, access, participation and contribution on a fair and equal
footing, creating a level playing field and ensuring that different groups are not
disadvantaged or discriminated against when accessing employment, volunteering or
participating in New Anglia programmes, panels and on its Board of Directors. Diversity is
about the individual, understanding that each of us is different and making sure we respect
and celebrate the variety of backgrounds, perspectives, values, and beliefs.
The LEP actively encourages the employment, promotion and training of employees and
potential employees from all sectors of the community and values the different skills, ideas
and opinions that a diverse workforce can offer.
Policy Aims
This policy aims to:
set out the LEP’s approach to equal opportunities and the avoidance of discrimination
in the workplace
support the elimination of unlawful discrimination in employment and the workplace
promote equality of opportunity and diversity in employment and the LEP workplace
ensure that those working or volunteering with the LEP are clear about the LEP’s
commitment to equal opportunities and diversity
explain the relevant procedures the LEP will implement in relation to equal
opportunities management.
Our Policy
The policy applies to all employees, volunteers, contractors, secondees and board
New Anglia LEP is committed to promoting equal opportunities and diversity in employment
and in the extended workplace which it operates. It aims to ensure, and where possible
advance, equal treatment of employees and applicants for jobs, offices and voluntary
positions on its panels, boards and programmes. Equality and diversity considerations will
underpin recruitment and selection, promotion, pay and benefits and training and
The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful to discriminate against people because of any of
the nine ‘protected characteristics’. This extends to direct or indirect discrimination and
harassment because of:
disability (including mental health)
gender reassignment
marriage and civil partnership
pregnancy and maternity
race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality or national origin)
religion or belief (including philosophical belief)
Equality and Diversity Policy 2
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sexual orientation
All employees, officers, volunteers, secondees and contractors of the LEP must not
unlawfully discriminate against or harass other people in the course of their work for the
LEP, including current and former employees, job applicants and officers.
All employees and officers at all levels are encouraged to act fairly and appropriately and
prevent and report unlawful discrimination and harassment.
Our Procedures
Recruitment and Promotion
The LEP will aim to ensure that advertisements for posts give sufficiently clear and accurate
information to enable potential applicants to assess their own suitability for the post. Job
descriptions and specifications for posts will include requirements that are necessary and
justifiable for the effective performance of the job.
The LEP reserves the right to recognise merit and reward individuals with promotion in a fair
manner. All employees will be considered on their merits (with reasonable adjustments
made where required) for career development and promotion with equal opportunities for all.
Information about vacant posts will be as widely disseminated as is practicable in order to
encourage a diverse response and reach as many sectors of the community as is possible.
Vacancies will also be circulated internally.
Candidate selection will be conducted against defined criteria and will focus on the
applicant’s suitability for the job. Where it is necessary to ask questions relating to personal
circumstances, these will be related purely to job requirements and asked of all candidates.
No questions in relation to health will be asked of the applicant prior to a job offer being
made. However, candidates and employees are encouraged to be clear when they require
help or assistance or adjustments to be made to enable them to interview or be assessed
fairly for a post or a promotion and also expressly make clear what help or adjustments they
might need to carry out any of the requirements of a post or position. The LEP will
endeavour to comply with its legal obligations under the disability discrimination provisions of
the Equality Act and welcomes applicants with disabilities.
The LEP will not unlawfully discriminate because of any protected characteristics in the
allocation of duties between employees employed at any level with comparable job
The LEP will put in place any reasonably practicable measures and/or adjustments within
the workplace for those employees who become disabled during employment or for disabled
appointees. Staff who become disabled are encouraged to inform the LEP about their
condition so appropriate support can be given. All employees are encouraged to discuss
their career prospects, training needs and any reasonable adjustments required on a regular
basis with their manager.
Requests for part-time work or other types of flexible working can and should be made
without fear and part-time and fixed-term staff shall be treated no less favourably than
comparable full-time or permanent members of the workforce.
Pregnant employees or those on maternity leave or returning from maternity leave will not be
subject to unlawful discrimination. Reference should be made to the Maternity Policy and
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other ‘family friendly’ policies for information about the rights and responsibilities related to
pregnant employees and parents.
This policy does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment, and it may be
amended at any time.
Board and Sub-Committees
New Anglia is committed to ensuring a diverse representation on our Board and Sub-
Committees and panels which reflects the local business community. Selection for the Board
and any Sub-Committee or panel will be in line with our Assurance Framework and Articles
of Association.
Following Government expectations, the LEP ensures that at least a third of its main Board
members are female and is actively working towards equal representation by 2023. We will
actively encourage and support prospective board members from an ethnic minority
background. The LEP has no formal control over the appointment of its public sector Board
members who sit as a result of democratic elections as leaders of various councils or in their
capacity as leaders of further or higher education institutions. However, the LEP is
committed to endeavouring to do all it reasonably and legally is able to do to meet
Government expectations that the board is reflective of the local business community in
Norfolk and Suffolk.
Board member vacancies are advertised widely and targeted to specific groups to increase
diversity, particularly female leaders and ethnic minorities. Interviews are guaranteed for
members of these groups who fulfil all the essential criteria for the vacant role. Board
members are appointed based on their skills, knowledge (including sector knowledge and
representation) and their ability.
Sub-Committee member selection and panel membership is based on the skills, knowledge
and experience required for the relevant role/post.
Visitors and Suppliers
Employees must not discriminate against any of visitors or suppliers. Equally, the LEP
expects visitors and suppliers not to discriminate against employees and the LEP will take
appropriate action against any visitor or supplier found to have done so.
Employee Rights and Responsibilities
Employees have the right not to experience unlawful discrimination in the workplace. They
have a responsibility to understand this policy and help the LEP implement it.
All employees have a duty not to discriminate against each other and not to help anyone else
do so. Staff who are uncomfortable with another employee's behaviour are encouraged,
where they feel able to, to ask them to stop and explain that they are uncomfortable with the
All staff, volunteers, secondees and contractors are encouraged to report any concerns
relating to unlawful discrimination in accordance with this policy. All managers should lead
by example and set an appropriate standard of behaviour.
When Discrimination Arises reporting concerns
If an employee, officer, secondee, volunteer or contractor believes they may have been
discriminated against or harassed, they should advise the LEP without delay. They can
speak informally or write to their line manager (where there is one) or with HR or the Chief
Operating Officer as appropriate.
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If an employee wishes to make a more formal complaint of discrimination or harassment,
they are encouraged to raise the matter in writing through the Grievance Policy.
Employees who make allegations of discrimination or harassment in good faith will not be
victimised or treated less favourably as a result. However, false allegations of a breach of
this policy which are found to have been made in bad faith may be dealt with under the
Disciplinary Policy.
Dealing with allegations of unlawful discrimination
Allegations of potential breaches of this policy will be treated seriously. The LEP will conduct
a reasonable and proportionate investigation into allegations of discrimination and
harassment. Confidentiality will be respected so far as possible but those alleged to be
responsible for any discriminatory or harassing behaviour will usually need to be given the
opportunity to reply to any allegations and for due process to be followed before decisions
can be made.
If, after investigation, it is decided an employee is found on balance to have acted in an
unlawfully discriminatory manner they may be subject to disciplinary action up to and
including dismissal. This applies to the most senior levels of management as well as to all
other employees.
Contractors, volunteers and officers who are determined after reasonable investigation to
have breached this policy or acted in a discriminatory way may be informed that their
services are no longer required and may be asked to step down from any board, sub-
committee or panel or other position they hold within the LEP sphere of influence.
Secondees can expect their employer to be informed of any allegations of concerned which
will then be dealt with by the employer accordingly.
Records of equal opportunities matters will be retained and kept confidential so far as
possible save that statistics which cannot be attributed to any named individual will be
shared with the Board and others where appropriate including to monitor the LEP’s progress
on promoting and sustaining equal opportunities and diversity.
The Board of the New Anglia LEP has overall accountability for the effective operation of this
policy and for ensuring the LEP fulfils its role in addressing diversity issues by promotion of
this policy and delivering equality of opportunity. The Chief Operating Officer of the LEP is
the lead officer responsible for the day-to-day operation and implementation of this policy.
Every individual working for the LEP has a responsibility for their own behaviour and
ensuring that they participate in the promotion of equality and diversity within the
Monitoring and Reporting
The Board will receive an annual report detailing the LEP’s progress on promoting and
sustaining equal opportunities and diversity over the past year and will agree an action plan
for how this can be further improved over the next year.
Approved by the board: 22nd June 2022
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Appendix 1
Definitions/explanations of what constitutes unlawful discrimination;
Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated less favourably than another person
because of a protected characteristic.
Indirect discrimination occurs where a policy, provision, rule or practice at work applies to
everyone but has a disproportionate impact on people with a protected characteristic which
cannot be justified as a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
Harassment is unlawful if it is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature or related to another
protected characteristic which has the purpose or effect of violating dignity or creating a hostile,
intimidating, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.
Victimisation is retaliation or bad treatment because the person has performed a protected act.
A protected act includes bringing proceedings under the Equality Act, giving evidence in
connection with such proceedings and making an allegation that a person has contravened the
Equality Act.
Associative discrimination is discrimination against a person because they have an association
with someone with a particular protected characteristic.
Perceptive discrimination is discrimination against a person because the discriminator thinks
the person possesses a protected characteristic, even if they do not in fact do so.
Discrimination arising from a disability is where a person with a disability is treated
unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of the person’s disability.
The duty to make reasonable adjustments arises when a provision criterion or practice of an
employer puts a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to persons who
are not so disabled. Such adjustments or steps are aimed at avoiding that disadvantage.
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Equal Opportunities and Diversity STATEMENT
Relating to the activities of the New Anglia LEP
Diversity and equality issues impact everyone in the New Anglia area and we are committed to
promoting and supporting equality and diversity in the services provided and the work
undertaken by the LEP. Accordingly, equality and diversity are important considerations in all
our activities.
The New Anglia LEP aims to drive inclusive business growth in partnership with businesses,
local authority partners and education institutions. In doing so New Anglia LEP will endeavour
not to do anything that constitutes discrimination, harassment or victimisation in exercising its
Equality is enabling opportunity, access, participation and contribution on a fair and equal
footing, creating a level playing field and ensuring that different groups are not disadvantaged
when accessing employment, volunteering or participating in public life in the New Anglia area.
Diversity is about the individual, understanding that each of us is different and making sure we
respect and celebrate the variety of backgrounds, perspectives, values, and beliefs.
New Anglia and its Board will engage with its stakeholders and endeavour to be as inclusive
and transparent in its communications as possible and will actively work to ensure that our
service provision is appropriately accessible to all constituencies in the LEP area.
We will also endeavour to meet our obligations under the Public Services Social Value Act
2012, which requires people who commission, or buy, public services to consider securing
added economic, social, environmental and well-being benefits for their local area. We will
work with our partners to ensure that project development, commissioning and tendering
procedures support the principles of advancing equality of opportunity between people in our
target groups and advancing the elimination of unlawful discrimination, harassment and
Following Government expectations, the LEP ensures that at least a third of its main Board
members are female and is actively working towards equal representation by 2023. We will
actively encourage and support prospective board members from an ethnic minority
background. The LEP has no formal control over the appointment of its public sector Board
members who sit as a result of democratic elections as leaders of various councils or in their
capacity as leaders of further or higher education institutions. However, the LEP is committed
to endeavouring to do all it reasonably and legally is able to do to meet Government
expectations that the board is reflective of the local business community in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Board member vacancies are advertised widely and targeted to specific groups to increase
diversity, particularly female leaders and ethnic minorities. Interviews are guaranteed for
members of these groups who fulfil all the essential criteria for the vacant role.
Any person who feels they have been discriminated against or wishes to report any concerns
in relation to equality, diversity or discrimination in respect of the LEP and its services,
functions or activities should write to the Chief Operating Officer, Rosanne Wijnberg;
email: rosanne.wijnberg@newanglia.co.uk.