Equality and Diversity Policy 6
Last updated: June 2022
Equal Opportunities and Diversity STATEMENT
Relating to the activities of the New Anglia LEP
Diversity and equality issues impact everyone in the New Anglia area and we are committed to
promoting and supporting equality and diversity in the services provided and the work
undertaken by the LEP. Accordingly, equality and diversity are important considerations in all
our activities.
The New Anglia LEP aims to drive inclusive business growth in partnership with businesses,
local authority partners and education institutions. In doing so New Anglia LEP will endeavour
not to do anything that constitutes discrimination, harassment or victimisation in exercising its
Equality is enabling opportunity, access, participation and contribution on a fair and equal
footing, creating a level playing field and ensuring that different groups are not disadvantaged
when accessing employment, volunteering or participating in public life in the New Anglia area.
Diversity is about the individual, understanding that each of us is different and making sure we
respect and celebrate the variety of backgrounds, perspectives, values, and beliefs.
New Anglia and its Board will engage with its stakeholders and endeavour to be as inclusive
and transparent in its communications as possible and will actively work to ensure that our
service provision is appropriately accessible to all constituencies in the LEP area.
We will also endeavour to meet our obligations under the Public Services Social Value Act
2012, which requires people who commission, or buy, public services to consider securing
added economic, social, environmental and well-being benefits for their local area. We will
work with our partners to ensure that project development, commissioning and tendering
procedures support the principles of advancing equality of opportunity between people in our
target groups and advancing the elimination of unlawful discrimination, harassment and
Following Government expectations, the LEP ensures that at least a third of its main Board
members are female and is actively working towards equal representation by 2023. We will
actively encourage and support prospective board members from an ethnic minority
background. The LEP has no formal control over the appointment of its public sector Board
members who sit as a result of democratic elections as leaders of various councils or in their
capacity as leaders of further or higher education institutions. However, the LEP is committed
to endeavouring to do all it reasonably and legally is able to do to meet Government
expectations that the board is reflective of the local business community in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Board member vacancies are advertised widely and targeted to specific groups to increase
diversity, particularly female leaders and ethnic minorities. Interviews are guaranteed for
members of these groups who fulfil all the essential criteria for the vacant role.
Any person who feels they have been discriminated against or wishes to report any concerns
in relation to equality, diversity or discrimination in respect of the LEP and its services,
functions or activities should write to the Chief Operating Officer, Rosanne Wijnberg;
email: rosanne.wijnberg@newanglia.co.uk.