CNTC – NAAME Development Plan
This project was awarded funding in March 2020. The project will identify and deliver impact-based interventions aimed at growing and connecting the manufacturing and engineering industry and clusters in the […]
TCHC – VG Incubator
This project was awarded funding in March 2020. The VG Incubator is a unique project aimed at helping create game start-ups and expand the game industry, supporting Suffolk residents build […]
Cultural Tourism 2017-2020
This Project was awarded funding in January 2017. The project is a strategic, evidenced-based approach led by Suffolk County Council to address unmet growth potential of the visitor economy by: […]
Building Supply Chains
This project was awarded funding in March 2019. The project, led by Norfolk County Council, will take an innovative, new approach by empowering SMEs to realise the competitive advantages of […]
ORE Catapult
This project was awarded funding in March 2019. The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult, led by the Catapult Network, will create a co-funded regional development manager post. The aim is […]
Norfolk & Suffolk Offshore Wind, Competitive Positioning Programme
This project was awarded funding in March 2019. The Project, led by Great Yarmouth Borough Council, will establish and provide resources for the developing and deployment of a coherent, co-ordinated […]
Ipswich Cornhill
This project was awarded funding in March 2019. Led by Ipswich Central Ltd, the core of this project is a varied and exciting programme of cultural and community events that […]
East Anglia Skills Initiative
This project was awarded funding in March 2019. Norfolk and Suffolk both host an annual skills and careers event (Norfolk in March and Suffolk in October) led by the respective […]
NUA Creative Internships
This Project was awarded funding in July 2018 and has since been completed. Funding enabled Norwich University of the Arts to set up and pilot a full-scale trial of an […]
Growing the Year-round economy
This project was awarded funding in March 2019. This project led by Visit East of England will: • Build a database that includes every visitor economy-related private sector business and […]