The LEP’s Management Committee is the executive management committee of the LEP and provides oversight of LEP operations, providing assurance that the LEP carries out its business in a transparent and accountable way.
Chaired by the LEP Chief Executive and manged by the LEP Chief Operating Officer. Other members include Accountable Body s151 Officer, BEIS Relationship Manager for New Anglia, Head of Strategy, Head of Programmes, Head of Enterprise Zones, Inward Investment and Innovation, Norfolk County Council Assistant Director for Communities and Environmental Services, Suffolk County Council Assistant Director for Strategic Development.
Chris Starkie (chair); Rosanne Wijnberg; Michael Gray Chris Dashper; Lisa Roberts; Julian Munson; Melanie Richardson; Helen Wilton; Jason Middleton; Holly Field; Judith Mobbs; Shan Lloyd; Sue Roper; Vince Muspratt; Jonathan Rudd
Click here to see its Terms of Reference.