New Anglia LEP Management Committee
Terms of Reference
To act as the executive management committee of the LEP and provide oversight to the
Accountable Body (section 151 officer) of LEP operations providing assurance the LEP
carriers out its business in a transparent and accountable way.
• Provide executive management oversight of the LEP Operations to the Accountable
Body (section 151 officer)
• Look at key projects, initiatives and programme performance that are LEP funded,
ensuring the Accountable Body is satisfied.
• Identify, categorise and assess operational risks, escalating risk to the Audit and
Risk committee when tolerances have been breached.
• Review and scrutinise Board papers and Business Performance Reports prior to
Board meetings, ensuring regular reports to the LEP Board and Government on
LEP performance.
• Ensuring actions from the LEP Board meetings are carried out and progress
reported back to the LEP Board.
• Escalate performance related issues to the LEP board when required and
tolerances have been breached.
• Review the development of LEP operational plans.
Chaired by the LEP Chief Executive and manged by the LEP COO. Other members
include Accountable Body s151 Officer, BEIS Relationship Manager for New Anglia, Head
of Strategy, Head of Programmes, Head of EZs, Inward Investment and Innovation, Head
of Finance and Head of Communications and Engagement. Norfolk County Council
Assistant Director Communities and Environmental Services and Suffolk County Council
Assistant Director for Strategic Development.
Attendance of non-members at meetings
Other members of the LEP executive team may also be invited to attend meetings when
required. Committee member deputies are prohibited.
Meeting Frequency
Meetings will be held monthly, at least two weeks before the LEP Board meeting. Meeting
location will alternate between Norfolk and Suffolk and will be conducted in two hours.
Monitoring and Reporting
The Committee shall, review its own performance once a year, constitution and terms of
reference to ensure it is operating at maximum effectiveness and recommend any
changes it considers necessary to the LEP Board for approval.