Bison Electrical – Advice on skills, signposting to training and apprenticeships.
Apprenticeships Charging Ahead
Nurturing Growth
As a new dad and business owner, Richard Gapper sees parallels between nurturing a newborn baby and nurturing a company. “Both”, he says, “need learning and skills to grow.”
Richard has ambitions for his firm to be the most technically leading-edge electrical company in East Anglia. However, he has one major challenge. His business needs highly skilled electricians and there aren’t the number of people available, with the level of skills required.
However, Richard’s company, Bison Electrical Services is now charging ahead, as a result of the valuable support of New Anglia Growth Hub’s aptly-named Business Adviser, David Sparkes.
Upskilling Workforce
“Richard identified early on the value in upskilling his existing workforce and recruiting apprentices to develop the skills Bison needs,” said David. “We created a skills plan and put him in contact with training providers for his staff. Richard is also an Apprenticeship Ambassador, promoting apprenticeship opportunities to students in local schools.”
With four apprentices already on board, Richard is looking to recruit further and is helping them to attain the training to develop the outstanding skills his business needs to thrive.
The Lowestoft based firm, which was established in 2015 to provide electrical services to industrial organisations. It has now diversified into the commercial and domestic sectors, growing from two people, to a team of 10.
“We would strongly recommend any company to contact the Growth Hub,” said Richard. “Their expertise and knowledge in business can help you all the way through. We find them highly valuable.”
Major Projects
Bison Electrical Services is now developing major projects using new technologies including 3D scanning and 3D imaging and securing international opportunities in the Ascension Islands and the Falkland Islands.
And, with a new baby-sized project at home in Lowestoft, Richard is looking forward to an exciting future.
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Get in touch
Do get in touch to find out how the New Anglia Growth Hub could help you. Call 0300 333 6536 or email [email protected]