Green Economy Pathfinder
New Anglia is the Government’s Green Economy Pathfinder Local Enterprise Partnership. This extremely important role means we are leading the way in demonstrating how economic growth can be achieved through the development and promotion of environmental sustainability within day to day business practice.
Our local businesses offer world-class expertise in the transition to a green economy. As the Green Economy Pathfinder we utilise and invest in this expertise; taking what we learn and recommending to Government and national business how they can benefit from our approach.
One example of this work is the Fabric First Institute. Now running at the Easton Campus of Easton and Otley College, the Institute trains tradespeople in specific energy efficiency construction skills. The institute has been made possible thanks to a grant that has been funded by the New Anglia Skills Deal Programme, provided by Norfolk County Council, Suffolk local authorities and the Skills Funding Agency.
The programme has been developed in support of the Norwich City Council’s £300 million ‘Fabric First Framework’ which plans to see the development of more low energy homes (known as Passivhaus) in the region over the next four years.
The project will also initially train 30 students at a purpose built ‘low energy’ house – or the Fabric First Institute as it has been called – that is situated in a state of the art construction centre housed at the college.