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New Anglia LEP supports the case for capacity enhancements at Ely. 

The Ely Area Capacity Enhancement programme seeks to increase the capacity at Ely from 6.5 trains per hour to 11 trains per hour. In order for that to be achieved, significant local and national investment is required.

The aim is to improve connectivity and reliability for passenger services and meet the demand for more rail freight between the Port of Felixstowe, the West Midlands and the north to support sustainable, long-term economic growth.

New Anglia LEP’s transport board supports the case for the investment and we believe that there would be significant social, environmental and economic gains for our region.

New Anglia LEP has invested £3.3m from its Growth Deal with Government to support the feasibility study for Ely rail improvements.

The second round of public consultation for the Ely Area Capacity Enhancement will be live from 24 May – 4 July 2021. You can find all the details here

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