New Anglia Local enterprise Partnership Annual Review 2020 -2021

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New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
Annual Review 2020 - 2021

Our AGM on 22 September 2021 marks our tenth anniversary.

We’re incredibly proud of all we have achieved in the past decade and the video below shows some of our highlights.

A review of our year. By Chris Starkie, Chief Executive, New Anglia LEP

“Over the past year, businesses have continued to feel the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. A lockdown in early 2021 added yet more pressure and uncertainty onto many who were already struggling.

“As the roadmap for lifting restrictions was announced, and the vaccine rollout continued at pace, many businesses could breathe a sigh of relief, a feeling that there was light on the horizon, but we know that for many, times are still tough

“Furlough comes to an end shortly (end of September) and as other financial support mechanisms come to a close, the coming months will be challenging. The UK’s exit from the EU, combined with Covid, has caused some supply chain problems, and ongoing concerns about labour supplies in some sectors.

“The pandemic has, I believe, truly underlined the value of the LEP. Our Growth Hub business advisers received more than 16,000 calls during the pandemic and our Business Resilience and Recovery grant scheme, which launched in early summer 2020, has paid out more than £5.4m to local businesses.

“We have been at the forefront of the region’s response to Covid with partners, producing the Economic Recovery Restart Plan, and recovery plans for the visitor economy and energy sectors. We are now consulting on a Renewal Plan, which will set out the actions and commitments that are required to grow more economically and environmentally resilient future for Norfolk and Suffolk.

“For us it has been an incredibly busy year. Our team has continued to work mainly remotely, but working more closely than ever before with private, public and education partners to support businesses

“Many of our Growth Deal projects – funded by our Growth Deal with Government – are now complete as approach the end of the window for that money to be spent. We look forward to more of those projects – including Productivity East, the Digitech factory at City College Norwich and the digital skills centre at Suffolk New College welcoming students for the first time in the coming weeks.

“We’ve also been pleased to see progress on many of our Getting Building Fund projects – including the Marina Centre on Great Yarmouth seafront and the Integrated Care Academy at the University of Suffolk.

“Our Enterprise Zones have also celebrated their fifth anniversary this year and to date, the sites have become home to businesses which have created and safeguarded nearly 4,500 jobs in the region – a fantastic success story.”


The video below tells the story of two local firms – Zaks and Hudson Signs – and the support they have received through our Business Resilience and Recovery Scheme.

Our governance and decision making 

You can find out more about our board members here 

You can find out more about our governance here 

You can find out about our sub boards and committees here 

New Anglia LEP is committed to supporting local businesses and advancing the opportunities of all those living and working in Norfolk and Suffolk

Our AGM was held on the 22nd September 2021 virtually. Please click here to see the recording. 

Our accounts

Our accounts for the 2020/21 financial year have been presented at our AGM.

You can watch a recording of this presentation below 

Click here to view our 2020/21 accounts 

We'll send you a monthly update including all our latest news, forthcoming events and business advice.

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