o Practical support includes individualised information & guidance sessions with
Apprenticeships Norfolk, alongside tailored training solutions, from menu of training
options. Employers & apprentices will feel supported/equipped to enhance their
skills, increasing the likelihood of a confident, successful apprenticeship - creating
longer-term retention, achievement and sustainability.
o 40 packages of support (outputs) in total were available in this pilot project. The
proportion of allocated expenditure will directly support the rationale and
methodology of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
selection of ‘priority’ districts through the Economic Resilience Index. ✓Priority 1
Places - Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn, North Norfolk and Norwich. 18.25%
expenditure will be allocated proportionally (30 outputs, 7-8 per place/district).
✓Priority 2 Places - Breckland, Broadland and South Norfolk. 9% expenditure will be
allocated proportionally (10 outputs, 3-4 per place/district). 36 successful or in
progress applications to date.
Insight Apprentice – Insight is a project part-funded by the European Social Fund to grow
and support apprenticeships within Norfolk-based small to medium enterprises who have
less than 250 employees. Thinking about hiring an apprentice or setting up an
apprenticeship can be confusing. Employers might be really keen to nurture and invest in
developing new skills, knowledge and professional behaviours but, they may be worried
about how much support an apprentice might need, or may be unsure about how the
scheme works. The Insight project provides each participating business a tailored package
of business support to help embed the right approach to apprenticeships into each
organisation. Business Development Officers are assigned to work with each employer as
they move through the journey to take on an apprentice. The Insight apprenticeship scheme
is particularly focussed on: • Clean Energy • Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing •
Digital & ICT • Agri-tech • Voluntary / Social Economy • Any business in any sector who has
diversified or experienced rapid growth due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
‘Access to Apprenticeships’ – Established in September 2020 in Suffolk. Funded by the
Suffolk Inclusive Growth Investment Fund – it provides financial grants to help overcome
financial related barriers that both employers and prospective participants may face in the
creation and uptake of apprenticeship opportunities
‘Pathway to Apprenticeships’ has been commissioned by Suffolk County Council and is
being delivered by Inspire Suffolk, who are providing 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring to break
down individual and specific barriers to enable participants to become ready to enter an
Employer Training Incentive Programme (ETIP) - Funded by Norfolk County Council and the
Norfolk Strategic Fund, this Covid response delegated grant scheme funds up to 75% of the
cost of training, has enabled businesses to increase the skills of their staff, diversify their
businesses, increasing resilience and creating sustainability. As at 9th May £295K had been
committed in grants, generating a further £138k of employer investment and delivering 1661
training interventions. Construction and Leisure and Tourism have seen the largest take up,
with Health and Safety (28%) and Leadership and Management (21%) being the most popular
courses. Benefits to business have included Increased Sales, Increased Staff Morale and
Improved Productivity. The scheme is now closed to new applications as current funding has
been exhausted.
SCC have also commissioned ‘Sector Work Based Academy Programmes (SWAPS) for
Apprenticeships in Suffolk’ is being delivered by Steadfast Training, who are working with
Department of Work and Pensions and local employers to provide support, training and work
experience for participants prior to applying for an apprenticeship.
Skills Participation Adaptability Resilience Coordination (SPARC) projects have now
begun delivery. The £2.5 million project, funded through the European Social Fund, will be