Annex C:
Governance Assurance Statement
The LEP Chair and Chief Executive should here provide a brief formal
assurance statement on the status of governance and transparency. This
should include any overview and scrutiny function undertaken by the
Accountable Body. This should be sent to the Assurance Team via
[email protected], copying the Cities and Local
Growth Unit Area Lead, by 14 January 2022. This statement should also be
published on the LEP’s website by 28 February 2022 and confirmation sent
to the email address above.
(max 500 words)
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership is committed to accountability and
the transparency of decision making.
Over the past year we have continued to comply with our Local Assurance
Framework, which outlines how our board operates, how decisions are
made, and how our programmes are managed.
We have also been making it easier for people to hold us to account, by
publishing on our website more information about our governance
processes, the decisions we have made and the projects we are funding.
We publish lists of all approved grants for our funds here.
The LEP board is made up of leaders from business, education and local
authorities from Norfolk and Suffolk. None of the board members are
remunerated for their time. Find out more about our board here.
We publish a register of interests for LEP board members. Individual
registers of interest for board members can be found after the biography of
each board member and follow the biographies for senior staff here.
Declarations of interest are also recorded in the minutes of monthly board
meetings and are managed in accordance with our Conflicts of Interest
We also publish a gifts and hospitality log which can be found here.
The LEP board is the main decision-making body, but there are also a
number of sub-boards and committees. We publish a decision log which
records decisions made by these boards and committees which can be
found here.
The board is supported by the LEP’s executive team who oversee the day
to day delivery of projects.
The LEP’s scheme of delegation outlines the decision-making powers for
the board, sub-committees, the chair and senior executives.
New Anglia LEP operates within the terms of an agreement with
Government called the Local Assurance Framework. This sets out the way the
way the LEP makes decisions.
Suffolk County Council is the LEP’s accountable body. It is legally
accountable for receiving the LEP’s funding, making payments and
ensuring we comply with the Assurance Framework and rules regarding the
use of public sector funding.
A senior finance officer at Suffolk County Council provides advice on
repayment of our Growing Places Fund, has oversight of all Local Growth
Fund and Getting Building Fund decision making and monitoring of
programme spend.
As a limited company, our statutory accounts are subject to an independent
audit, and are published on our website. They are also available from
Companies House and can be found here.
The work of the LEP is also scrutinised by Scrutiny Committees at Norfolk
County Council and Suffolk County Council.
More information on how the LEP is run can be found here.
We take complaints very seriously and whilst we try to provide a good
service, we know that sometimes things go wrong.
For information about our complaints procedure please click here.
If you wish to make a complaint - including the option to make an
anonymous complaint – simply click here. Complaints and concerns raised
anonymously will be treated in confidence and every effort will be made to
protect the complainant's identity.
Employees, board members and contractors may refer to our Whistleblowing
Name: C-J Green
Position: Chair
Date: 12
January 2022
Name: Chris Starkie
Position: Chief Executive
Date: 12
January 2022