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Minister on standards of conduct of holders of all public office. New Anglia LEP has a role
description for private sector board members which is used in board member recruitment and
induction. All board members sign a Non-Executive Director Agreement setting out their formal
governance responsibilities.
All board members receive a handbook as part of their formal induction process. This includes all
requirements as set out in the LEP Network Induction Brief June 2019. Board roles are non-
remunerated. Mileage and other direct travel expenses may be claimed at cost, in line with the
staff travel expenses policy.
The LEP is committed to ensuring it reflects the diverse economy and people of Norfolk and
Suffolk. When LEP Board opportunities arise, they are advertised widely in the local press,
through our sector groups, the LEP website, social media and other avenues. We recruit board
and sub-board candidates from a broad range of backgrounds that reflect our sector strengths
and ensure we have members from small business and entrepreneurial backgrounds, as well as
bigger business and organisations from the voluntary and community sector. We provide clear
and accurate information to enable potential applicants to assess their own suitability for the post.
We welcome applications from everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation,
faith or disability. LEP board members are recruited through a formal application process, with a
sub-group of the board forming an appointments panel and interviewing the shortlisted
candidates. The interview panel then makes a recommendation to the LEP Board for approval.
The LEP Board has appointed a diversity champion and adopted a diversity policy in 2018. The
LEP also has a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement which sets out the steps New
Anglia LEP has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within its
supply chains or in any part of its business. In the New Anglia area, we are committed to removing
barriers that might restrict people and we are proactively working towards positive change.
While all the Norfolk and Suffolk local authorities are members of the LEP company, the Articles
of Association grant local authorities six board positions. Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils and
Norwich City Council and Ipswich Borough Council have permanent seats on the board, with the
other district and borough authorities each nominating a representative, one for each county.
Recognising the importance of all local authorities, the LEP has developed a number of
mechanisms to ensure all local authorities are engaged with the strategy and decision-making of
the LEP. These are outlined later in this document.
The area’s colleges and universities are also members of the LEP company. Two seats are taken
by representatives from this sector. Mechanisms to ensure engagement of all colleges and
universities are also outlined later.
LEP board succession planning
The LEP recognises the importance of succession planning for the role of chair and board
members. Our approach ensures the board is able to move swiftly to fill vacancies at the end of
agreed terms of office or in the event of resignations. The LEP has an agreed policy for the
recruitment of the chair and deputy chair, which is enacted either in advance of the end of the
term of office or in the event of a resignation.
Succession planning for board members is undertaken as follows:
• Private sector. The formal recruitment process for private sector board members
begins in advance of the end of term of office of private sector board members, or at the
point of resignation. The board position or positions are advertised extensively. As part
of the recruitment process, the board will look to broaden the range of expertise on the
board, as well as its diversity. This will include ensuring suitable representation from