Norfolk and Suffolk Council for Digital Tech - Minutes
Chair: Peter Brady
Date: Monday 4th September 2023 Time: 14.00-16.00
Via Teams
Scott Cogman, New Anglia LEP
Julian Munson, New Anglia LEP
Michael Cousens, New Anglia LEP
James Adams, Akcela
Charlie Wright, Epos Now
Robin Milton, Fairer Games
Beccy Coombs, Ipswich Borough Council
Mark Thomas, Coderus
Gurpreet Jagpal, University of Suffolk
Vinay Patel, PredicAire
Tim Robinson, Tech East
Ellen Tilney, Norwich City Council
Michael Cousens, New Anglia LEP
Catherine Richards, New Anglia Colleges Group
Jai Raithatha, Suffolk County Council
Peter Brady, Orbital Global & Innovation Labs
Sara de Freitas, University of Suffolk
Adrian Pickering, Robotica ML
Beatriz De La Iglesia, UEA
Simon Allen, New Anglia LEP
Marlon Bowser, HTK
John Dugmore, Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
Dominic Keen, Britbots
Roberta Willner, Norfolk County Council
Nova Fairbank, Norfolk Chamber of Commerce
James Duez, Rainbird
Beverley Wallman, New Anglia LEP
Dean Withey, Ubisend
Lisa Perkins, BT
Neil Miles, Inawisdom
James Allen, New Anglia LEP
John Fagan, Scribe & Sync the City
Jack Weaver, Norfolk Chamber of Commerce
Sarah Steed, Norwich University of the Arts
Welcome (Chair)
Peter Brady welcomed attendees to the meeting and noted apologies received.
Apprenticeships opportunities for the sector (Gurpreet Jagpal)
Gurpreet Jagpal:
Apprenticeships through UOS that are currently offered are focused on healthcare, digital and social
Currently 400-450 apprentices on the book. Looking to grow to 1500 following a clean bill of health
from Ofsted.
Relaunching senior leader apprenticeships diploma as well as supply chain degree apprenticeships.
Planned senior project management apprenticeships linked to Sizewell C, alongside those focused
on the insurance industry given local businesses in the area.
Clear from conversations with Westminster that apprenticeships are here to stay and are a key part
of government framework but that they need to be employer led. UOS is supporting that agenda.
National issue in terms of take up and awareness of the apprenticeship route views differ on them
from students and parents. Different route to taking a degree. Need to raise awareness within the
UK PLCs. Do not have data to hand to share but can follow up.
New Dean coming into post shortly, and this will decide the route and apprenticeships offered in the
digital space. UOS is all for new initiatives and utilising the space and resource offered by the
university and how they can tailor these to employer needs.
Looking to develop more flexible model to accommodate varied employer needs.
Catherine Richards:
Degree apprenticeships offered currently by the colleges group.
Provision offered hasn’t always helped with development colleagues have found the experience
Not all employees want to have to go to university and be in halls. Whereas younger students do.
Meeting the demands of work alongside study can be difficult in terms of time commitments.
Keen to understand the provision of IT in schools what is being taught and learnt. Seeing a lack of
digital skills in younger students at the college. What is offered to school age students?
James Adams:
Keen to understand more about accelerated apprenticeships following the digital roadmap
published by government. What is the group view on these.
In the past we have been too specific with what is needed rather than a higher-level focus on
software developers, digital marketers, AI/ML.
This approach is too segmented within apprenticeships.
We need to look at how are they marketed to make it easier for businesses to engage with and
understand what they need to do and contribute.
Sara de Freitas:
A focus on AI/ML would be good for the sector and will be heavily needed I suspect.
Happy to get involved with that discussion and be good to look at the pathway (from school to
college to university to workplace).
Tim Robinson:
What is the current take up and what does this look like in the digital space q for both councils and
skills lead. Seen low take-up historically and what is the current picture. Focus more recently on T
Levels and Bootcamp.
To Sara de Freitas point about AI. Simon Allen along with Universities, FE colleges and other skills
providers in this group it would probably be worth a detailed conversation with some of our current
Bootcamp providers about their Apprenticeship offers. e.g. Cambridge Spark do these ones
Jai Raithatha:
Council teams do have this data and can share with this group data available from both councils.
Simon Allen:
Keen to engage with the group around skills gaps that may have changed since the LSIP survey and
what vacancies are being sought to support the Skills Bootcamps funding bid for 2024/25. 19th
September bid submission deadline. Contact -
DfE pushing Accelerated Apprenticeships through the Skills Bootcamps route shortening
timeframes, reducing costs and increasing the use by employers. Keen to explore more of these
going forward but need to see an evidence base and demand.
Michael Cousens:
As someone who just completed a L7 at UEA, one challenge is that although its 1 day a week on
average, this ends up being very concentrated due to the academic calendar.
Increasing awareness from employers about the peaks and troughs could really help from the outset
of the program and increase academic achievement.
Insights from Businesses (All)
James Adams:
Growth Through Innovation fund excludes startup companies under 2 years. Not helping start-up
companies in the region
The gaming industry in Norwich is thriving. A leading developer looking to set up a studio in
Chris Filip is moving to Norfolk - involved with the Global Screen Fund.
Creative East has had really good feedback from companies.
7 companies with gaming studios in Norwich Robin Milton’s work has done a lot to develop this.
The issue is getting to vertical slice with gaming students. Getting to a vertical slice even on
bootstrapped money for a good team is probably £50 - £70k.
Would any University or fund, be willing to put £100k into 2, pushing 3 teams, for a vertical slice per
year for 3 years?
Baltic Creative good case study connecting ecosystem. £8m investment from the local council.
Lack of moonshot thinking from government. Need to commit to a long-term strategy 8 years etc.
Does anyone have connections with ACG. Hearing that local tech companies are not faring so well
with the group in terms of securing investment.
There is a duty to educate investors and a need to promote successes.
Julian Munson:
GTI being used as a scale up fund and so there is a need to explore start up support and funding as
something separate.
This needs a specific fund and investment to do this. A joined-up approach needed and being
explored by ourselves currently.
Different levels of funding are making the landscape more difficult to understand for businesses.
Geographic focus, trading focus, etc.
Peter Brady:
Finance and Investment is a topic that has been a recurring theme at the meetings
Sara de Freitas gaming cluster is critical to mapping out what happens in the region and aligning this
with skills provision and graduates coming out of local universities. Keen to share this insight with
the group.
Very keen to support the development of a regional development fund for start-up businesses.
Regional Marketing plan, and more support for targeted companies, is what I am taking away.
Opportunities from Rural England Prosperity Fund? » e.g. Babergh Mid Suffolk -
Robin Milton:
It would be helpful if there could be a joined-up approach to terminology for 'startup' businesses
and 'established' businesses to make it easier for companies to understand where they sit.
When do you stop being a startup? In terms of accessing funds. How do we categorise this? How is
this limiting people and how can we map this out. And what they are eligible for locally - would that
be possible?
Norwich University of the Arts have a new Virtual Production suite of equipment and Tech, only
screen of this kind in the UK -
Not sure if it has been publicly posted elsewhere, but this video has been a great tool for showcasing
Norfolk games talent; (I worked on this with NUA and Creative
Sweden good case study in the gaming space. Inward Investment and business support
perspective. Driving gaming businesses to locate there. Regional approach. -
ACTION: For after the meeting - could Tim provide some examples where other industries have
successfully cracked the Angel nut locally in his experience from Tech East?
Mark Thomas:
What is happening to LEP, apologies out of the loop.
Core funding from Government for LEPs is being withdrawn for April 2024 onwards, County Councils
are expected to provide some continuity of service, details are still being worked out with the
VR / AR space is very active and great solutions are being developed. Balancing this between the
day-to-day jobs and running the two is a challenge.
Facing issues with attracting investment from EIS and SEISs due to company age.
Tim Robinson:
Keen to look at the BEIS Lifecycle - Stage 1 Entrepreneurship; Stage 2 A Choice for All; Stage 3
Startups (high ambition); Stage 4 Sole Traders; Stage 5 Micro and Small Businesses; Stage 6 Scale
Ups; Stage 7 Medium Sized. (Screenshot shared with the network by Tim)
What is the provision for startups and scaleups and so on. Recommendation to look at all seven
stages and which to prioritise.
We need to bring about more understanding in this space. Universities in the north are looking at
the commercialisation model from Cambridge Innovation Capital. Call out where the gaps are and
what can be done.
Happy to take this offline, we are not alone as a region. London (density/sheer number of angels),
the core 2nd tier tech cities (Manchester, Bristol, Edinburgh etc) and as the outlier Cambridge
(virtuous circle) are the only ones that seem to be really that much ahead of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Would be good to track and see what developments are happening within political parties and their
plans around the tech sector moving forward given future elections etc.
Sara de Freitas:
Student engagement the part being lost and supporting their enthusiasm for startups and
supporting them past the first phase how do we support in this lifecycle.
6.7% of game developers in our region aiming for 10% through cluster work.
Focus on attraction and how we market ourselves big focus.
We need to understand when and what help is needed by business and how we can support them
then. Looking to do this through the Gaming Cluster
Nationally wider bodies like UNESCO just don’t seem to be aware of the region and our capabilities.
Do come to our Digital Futures Institute: and register for events here:
Also a plug for the BT Sustainability week:
Michael Cousens:
Fully agree on the Inward Investment and attraction angle, the approach for ensuring skills retention
needs to be different to the one for attracting new investors, however there are huge overlaps with
the messaging and research.
Beccy Combs: Ipswich Borough Start Up programme, funded by UKSPF
Connected Innovation (Julian Munson & Scott Cogman)
Project launched over a couple of years’ ago linking together Norfolk and Suffolk’s innovation hubs.
It started off with 12 innovation hubs and the network is now at 25, extending its geographical
Worked collaboratively with delivery partners such as Tech East and Hub Leads to put on a wide
array of interesting events for businesses.
New website currently being developed along with a defined brand. (Screen share website
Due to be launched at the end of the month and will showcase content from across our hub
network, cluster / sector groups and innovative businesses.
Will also include information on funding, grants, business support and events in the network.
Recognising challenge brought by changes to business support landscape and feedback around
access to investment.
Setting up a finance/investment subgroup as part of the project to be made up of these stakeholders
to seek to share feedback and address challenges.
New website will complement the Norfolk and Suffolk Unlimited inward investment site.
Catherine Richards:
How do we change the view and impression of our counties and region in terms of connectivity.
Robin Milton:
Keen to see events that offer free exhibition space to attract larger parties from further afield how
do you draw them in.
Mark Thomas:
How can we as businesses connect with wider hubs and utilise connections made by them within the
Digital Skills Update (Simon Allen)
Established a number of providers for digital skills in the region through the bootcamps.
Currently bidding for 2024/25 bootcamps.
Reaching out to businesses and partners for feedback to help shape future programmes and
Please keep sharing insights by 19th September.
Updates on key areas of work for the Council for Digital Tech
Michael Cousens (Inward Investment):
Keen to raise profile of the local region.
Looking to drive Foreign Direct Investment into the region.
Building a set of unique selling points.
5G HPO has been at the core of this although extends across the entire region and not just Adastral
Norfolk and Suffolk Unlimited website being redeveloped.
Will share a paper with the group to get feedback by next week.
Tim Robinson (FinTech):
Fintech Futures project centred on Norwich and Norfolk through NIF funding.
Project lasts for 2 years to March 2025 led by Tech East.
Aim is to raise visibility of the cluster with key regional partners and stakeholders.
Work will include mapping the cluster and how it can grow longer term.
Will be commissioning a report with the brief to go out in September.
Speak to Tim to find out more.
Challenges in this region in terms of demographics and regional structures in comparison with
other areas in the UK.
Will keep the group updated.
Julian Munson (Creative East):
First cohort based in Norfolk has now been completed.
The next one is in Suffolk which is currently being finalised.
Then the final two will be held in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
Programme runs until March 2025.
Great feedback and engagement across all regions.
Visit held to NUA last week to see Immersive Visualisation Lab.
Julian Munson (Barclays Eagle Labs Digital Growth Grant):
Anthony Pryke sent apologies for this meeting.
Unsuccessful in Ecosystem Partnership bid but looking to get feedback from Barclays.
Unaware of any local regional successes in Norfolk or Suffolk.
Keen to engage the Council for Digital Tech group around a future bid.
Sara de Freitas (Regional Gaming Sub-Group):
Met with UNESCO UK Sec Gen. last week.
Shown map of sites across the UK demonstrated a lack of understanding of our region in the UK.
Looking to develop a city of learning, city of culture then city status.
Games East to host three summits / events to get the cluster up and running.
Look to work along the lines of what was done with the Space Cluster.
Working with Mark Backler to develop this. Looking to engage local businesses and partners in this
work. Targeting 10% of game developers being based in the region.
Excited by possibilities but keen to engage partner feedback.
Peter Brady:
We need to be more aggressive in the marketing in ourselves.
James Adams:
Host a games jam event host with universities and students and loop in big game developers. Fund
the winner to create a vertical slice game. Include sponsors and investors.
Julian Munson:
Connected Innovation will provide some funding support for three summit / events over the next 12
months to help form the cluster and drive this forward and attract larger investment.
Robin Milton:
Events need to encourage conversation and understanding between educational providers and
gaming companies.
Is there any further update on the DCMC project in Watton?
Scott Cogman:
The initiative through the efforts of Breckland Council secured funding from NCC to complete the business
case. They are currently seeking organisations who can potentially bid for the work.
James Adams:
DevelopHER awards final day for nominations - - really
important to do.
TechEducators rebrand -