Chris Filip is moving to Norfolk - involved with the Global Screen Fund.
Creative East has had really good feedback from companies.
7 companies with gaming studios in Norwich – Robin Milton’s work has done a lot to develop this.
The issue is getting to vertical slice with gaming students. Getting to a vertical slice even on
bootstrapped money for a good team is probably £50 - £70k.
Would any University or fund, be willing to put £100k into 2, pushing 3 teams, for a vertical slice per
year for 3 years?
Baltic Creative – good case study – connecting ecosystem. £8m investment from the local council.
Lack of moonshot thinking from government. Need to commit to a long-term strategy – 8 years etc.
Does anyone have connections with ACG. Hearing that local tech companies are not faring so well
with the group in terms of securing investment.
There is a duty to educate investors and a need to promote successes.
Julian Munson:
GTI being used as a scale up fund and so there is a need to explore start up support and funding as
something separate.
This needs a specific fund and investment to do this. A joined-up approach needed and being
explored by ourselves currently.
Different levels of funding are making the landscape more difficult to understand for businesses.
Geographic focus, trading focus, etc.
Peter Brady:
Finance and Investment is a topic that has been a recurring theme at the meetings
Sara de Freitas gaming cluster is critical to mapping out what happens in the region and aligning this
with skills provision and graduates coming out of local universities. Keen to share this insight with
the group.
Very keen to support the development of a regional development fund for start-up businesses.
Regional Marketing plan, and more support for targeted companies, is what I am taking away.
Opportunities from Rural England Prosperity Fund? » e.g. Babergh Mid Suffolk -
Robin Milton:
It would be helpful if there could be a joined-up approach to terminology for 'startup' businesses
and 'established' businesses to make it easier for companies to understand where they sit.
When do you stop being a startup? In terms of accessing funds. How do we categorise this? How is
this limiting people and how can we map this out. And what they are eligible for locally - would that
be possible?
Norwich University of the Arts have a new Virtual Production suite of equipment and Tech, only
screen of this kind in the UK -
Not sure if it has been publicly posted elsewhere, but this video has been a great tool for showcasing
Norfolk games talent; (I worked on this with NUA and Creative
Sweden – good case study in the gaming space. Inward Investment and business support
perspective. Driving gaming businesses to locate there. Regional approach. -