Below: Grativilab is among the businesses in the
region’s space sector and is located at one
of our Space Innovate Enterprise
Zone sites.
Sector Groups
In addition to the Industry Councils, the LEP actively supports
and attends a number of business sector or networking
groups covering key sectors such as the visitor economy,
manufacturing, financial services, construction, culture, creative
industries, and the voluntary, community and social enterprise
(VCSE) sector. Through this collaborative approach, the LEP
helps to explore cross-sector innovation opportunities and
drives business engagement with academia to ensure skills
needs are well understood across sectors.
These groups bring together businesses, Government and
education partners to help identify, shape and drive forward the
sector priorities.
The LEP has secured additional funding to deliver the
following sector development programmes:
New Anglia Advanced Manufacturing and
Engineering (NAAME)
NAAME has secured funding from New Anglia LEP,
the Suffolk Inclusive Growth Investment Fund, Norfolk
County Council and Norfolk’s District, Borough and
City Councils for a two-year extension to the end of
March 2025.
NAAME’s Cluster Manager is hosted by the LEP and
will lead the delivery of a package of tailored, specialist
business support aimed at meeting the future needs of
specific sectors, such as through Skills Bootcamps which
are co-delivered by industry.
This will build on current NAAME activity to share
knowledge and peer-to-peer learning, increase the
adoption and diffusion of innovative technologies in
the sector, support with supply chain connections
and partnerships (such as those around the nationally
significant infrastructure projects related to the
clean energy sector) and facilitate new contracts and
collaborations across the cluster.
Creative East
New Anglia LEP secured £1.275m from the Department
of Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) leading a consortium
bid to deliver the Creative East investment readiness
and scale-up programme for creative industries across
Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
This project reports into both the Creative Industries
Group and the Norfolk and Suffolk Culture Board. The
consortium includes the lead delivery partner, UEA, as
well as University of Suffolk, Norwich University of the
Arts, ARU Peterborough, New Anglia LEP, Cambridgeshire
and Peterborough Combined Authority, Norfolk County
Council and Suffolk County Council.
In addition to helping 80-100 businesses scale-up, the
project will work to promote awareness of the creative
industries sector to investor networks and will provide
much needed grant funding to creative industries
businesses through the Innovate UK competitions
targeted towards the six participating ‘Create Growth
Programme’ regions.
Space East Cluster
Following the LEP’s successful bid to the UK Space Agency to
establish the Space East Cluster, the cluster has been officially
launched with a Cluster Manager now in post to drive activity
and projects which support the downstream application of
space technologies to support Norfolk and Suffolk’s key sectors
(which include agri-food, clean energy, and marine science),
as well as identifying opportunities to support those involved
in upstream opportunities such as microgravity research and
testing. The cluster is working very closely with industry,
universities, the Satellite Applications Catapult, UK Space
Agency and European Space Agency to drive new business
opportunities, investment and skills in the region.
For further information on NAAME visit
For further information on Creative East visit
For further information on Space East visit
Above: Organisers and key
speakers at NAAME’s 2022 conference