New Anglia Audit and Risk Committee Minutes (Unconfirmed)
28th June 2022
Nick Banks (NB)
Independent Chair
Corrienne Peasgood (CP)
Norwich City College
Louise Aynsley (LA)
Accountable Body S151 Officer
In Attendance:
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Melanie Richardson (MR)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Abigail Thomas (AT)
Price Bailey For item 5
Aaron Widdows (AW)
Price Bailey For item 5
Actions from the Meeting
LEP Audit - Confidential
Welcome and Introductions
Nick Banks (NB) welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Stuart Dark.
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at https://newanglia.co.uk/our-board/
Minutes from last meeting
The minutes were reviewed and agreed.
Actions: Committee Membership - RW confirmed she had approached the LEP board for a volunteer
from the board but no responses had been received. She proposed that Geoff Dobson, former section
151 officer at Suffolk County Council, be approached to join the committee. This would increase the
number of members to 5.
The committee agreed the proposal and discussed whether the quorum should include at least one
LEP board member and agreed that this was the recommendation.
ACTION: RW to confirm with Geoff Dobson and invite him to future meetings
All other actions were reviewed and marked as complete.
Review Draft Annual Financial Statements incl. appendices confidential
Risk Register Confidential
RW presented the updated risk register and highlighted key items:
Local Assurance Framework
MR presented the results from the last 2 quarters reviews noting that findings were very minor.
It was noted that there is still a delay in receiving Registers of Interest from some board members but
this is largely a timing issue and the formal requirement is for registers to be updated on an annual
basis whereas the LEP updates them every 6 months.
Next Meeting
NB noted the next meeting will normally be in February 2023 but an earlier meeting may be required to
complete the audit.
Any Other Business
NB asked whether the Eastern Powerhouse was aligned with the LEP. CP noted it is a
membership fee based organisation which is more politically focussed.
RW thanked CP for her attendance and contribution to the Audit & Risk Committee.