New Anglia Audit and Risk Committee Minutes (Unconfirmed)
February 2022
Nick Banks (NB)
Independent Chair
Corrienne Peasgood (CP)
Norwich City College
Holly Field (HF)
Suffolk County Council (Deputising for Accountable Body
S151 Officer)
In Attendance:
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Melanie Richardson (MR)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Lisa Roll (LR)
New Anglia LEP
Aaron Widdows (AW)
Price Bailey For item 5
Actions from the Meeting
ACTION: RW and NB to negotiate the fees
ACTION: Details of the Related Parties as contained in the audit report to be confirmed as accurate
ACTION: RW to consider the A&R Membership
ACTION: The monthly LEP review paper to be sent to NB HW
ACTION: The next meeting to be arrange for June 2022 - HW
Welcome and Introductions
Nick Banks (NB) welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Stuart Dark
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at https://newanglia.co.uk/our-board/
Minutes from last meeting
The minutes were reviewed and agreed.
Review of Audit Planning Report presented by Price Bailey - Confidential
The Committee agreed
To adopt the approach to the audit as presented
To delegate the negotiation of the cost of the audit to RW.
Annual review and approval of Terms of Reference, Scheme of Delegation and
Accountable Body Agreement
MR presented the three documents for annual review and highlighted the changes.
MR noted the Scheme of Delegation included confirmation that some programmes were ending and
so would need adapting.
Accountable Body Agreement It was agreed that the date would be changed to March 2023.
CP asked if an additional board member should be added given the ongoing changes at the LEP
ACTION: RW to consider the A&R Membership
The Committee agreed
To approve the Terms of Reference, Scheme of Delegation and Accountable Body Agreement with
the amended date
Risk Register - Confidential
RW presented the updated risk register and highlighted key items:
Local Assurance Framework
MR presented the LAF paper noting that there were minor issues with links on the website but no
serious issues
RW confirmed that, given the LEP review, the government had permitted the use of LAF exemptions.
The LEP Board is currently short one private sector member.
Next Meeting
RW confirmed that a meeting will be required in June.
HW to arrange a date when further information on dates is available.
Any Other Business