Jobs created Private sector investment unlocked New dwellings supported
Data as of Aug 2021
New Anglia LEP programme outputs dashboard - Q1 2021/22
Primary Economic Strategy (ES) indicators supported Primary Economic Strategy (ES) indicators supported Primary Economic Strategy (ES) indicators supported
Delivery, this quarter (Q1, Apr-Jun 2021): 159
Delivery, year to date (2021-22 financial year): 159
Target, this year (21-22 financial year): 1,179
Delivery, year to date, as % of target: 9.3%
With a proven track record of creating jobs and supporting employment
opportunities in the local economy, LEP programmes have a demonstra-
ble and clearly measurable impact on the ambitions of the Economic
Strategy, and associated indicators.
The Enterprise Zones, Growing Business Fund (GBF), Growth Deal pro-
jects, and Business Growth Programmes were the primary drivers of the
jobs created to date in 2020/21.
In Q1 of 2021/22 the Business Growth Programme and the Growing
Business Fund continue to make the most significant contributions.
Compared to previous trend data,, the figures for Q4 2020 and Q1 2021
were below the expected average, though this is unsurprising, given the
prevailing economic conditions.
Current outturn for 21/22 does not include any outputs for Enterprise
Zones, which have moved to six monthly output reporting.
Delivery, this quarter (Q1, Apr-Jun 2021): £23m
Delivery, year to date (2021-22 financial year): £23m
Delivery, cumulative to date (2012-): £544.3m
Target, this year (21-22 financial year): £41.25m
Delivery, year to date, as % of target 56%
Delivery, this quarter (Q1, Apr-Jun 2021): 6
Delivery, year to date (2021-22 financial year): 6
Delivery, cumulative to date (2012-): 617
Target, this year (21-22 financial year): 360
Delivery, year to date, as % of target: 1.6%
Though typically small-scale and limited in terms of direct tangible out-
puts, LEP programmes still have a demonstrable role in supporting the
delivery of new homes and leveraging in resources to unlock sites and
development. There are a limited number of sites generating direct out-
puts towards the annual housing target but housing delivery information
from partners could increase the number of indirect outputs achieved as
a result of other LEP interventions.
This was another metric where we saw considerable over-achievement
through 2019/20, however, Q1 through Q3 of 2020 saw only a modest
increase on delivery. However, sites reopened from July 2020, and we are
confident that demand for housing will continue to bounce back through
21/22. Many regional sites are now working at capacity with limited im-
pact from later lockdowns, although availability of labour and materials is
likely to have an impact on delivery during the year.
LEP programmes continue to leverage in significant private sector invest-
ment, helping to unlock jobs, housing, capital and growth. In fact, the IMF
estimates every £1 of private sector investment can stimulate a further £3
of economic growth, highlighting its direct impact on the delivery of the
aims and ambitions in the Economic Strategy.
Delivery through last year was very challenging—given the outbreak of the
pandemic and subsequent economic turmoil caused by various lockdowns.
In Q1 of this year there are some encouraging signs, despite the overall
impact of prolonged economic uncertainty. Assuming the economy is able
to return to a more normal pattern through he rest of the year, we are
confident of achieving the target.