New Anglia Audit and Risk Committee Minutes (Confirmed)
13th February 2020
Nick Banks (NB)
Independent Chair
Corrienne Peasgood (CP)
Norwich City College
Holly Field (HF)
Suffolk County Council (Deputising for Accountable Body
S151 Officer)
In Attendance:
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Keith Spanton (KS)
New Anglia LEP
Melanie Richardson (MR)
New Anglia LEP
Lisa Roll (LR)
New Anglia LEP
Stephan Schmitt (SS)
Price Bailey - For item 6
Sam Chapman-Allen (SC-A)
Breckland District Council
Actions from the Meeting
MR to circulate the updated risk register to include risks 21 and 22 which had dropped off in the pdfing
Welcome and Introductions
Nick Banks (NB) welcomed everyone to the meeting including Corrienne Peasgood (CP) who was
appointed to the Audit and Risk Committee on 1st January 2020.
It was proposed that item 6, Review of Audit Plan be addressed first. This was agreed by the meeting.
SC-A gave his apologies.
Declarations of Interest
CP declared an interest re Norwich City College.
Minutes from last meeting
The minutes were reviewed and agreed.
The action on dual controls on the Lloyds bank account was noted.
Annual review and approval of Terms of Reference, Scheme of Delegation and
Accountable Body Agreement
The Terms of Reference, Scheme of Delegation and Accountable Body Agreement were reviewed and
Review of Audit Plan - presented by Price Bailey - Confidential Item
Review of corporate risk register - Confidential Item
MR provided an update of the key changes to the risk register since the last meeting.
Local Assurance Framework monitoring
MR explained that the LEP’s Assurance Framework outlines the way we work and the National Local
Growth Assurance Framework Annex E checklist provides the basis for our compliance monitoring
arrangements. MR explained that Annex A summarised the key areas of the checklist and set out the
results of the quarterly monitoring undertaken. The quarterly reviews were largely based on website
checks and there was improvement between the first review in September and the follow up in
December. Minor issues remained re old website links but it was noted that our new website
development will mitigate the risk of outdated links.
RW also noted that no compliance issues were raised as part of our Annual Performance Review
Meeting Schedule and Dates
It was agreed that the next meeting would be at 1pm on Tuesday 23rd June (The Cornhill, Diss).
Any Other Business
It was noted that this would be Keith Spanton’s last Audit and Risk Committee before leaving the LEP.
The Committee thanked KS for his work at the LEP and wished him well for the future.