New Anglia Audit and Risk Committee Minutes (Unconfirmed)
11th February 2021
Nick Banks (NB)
Independent Chair
Corrienne Peasgood (CP) Norwich City College
Holly Field (HF)
Suffolk County Council (Deputising for Accountable Body
S151 Officer)
In Attendance:
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Melanie Richardson (MR) New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Aaron Widdows (AW)
Price Bailey - For item 6
Alice Boesen
Price Bailey - For Item 6
Actions from the Meeting
Governance Documents
RW to amend Scheme of Delegation and note that Treasury Policy is that of Suffolk CC. A one page
document confirming these processes will be produced.
Welcome and Introductions
Nick Banks (NB) welcomed everyone to the meeting.
It was proposed that item 5, Review of the Audit Plan be addressed first. This was agreed by the
Apologies were received from Sam Chapman-Allen
Declarations of Interest
Full declarations of interest can be found at
Minutes from last meeting
The minutes were reviewed and agreed.
Annual Review of Governance Documents
Melanie Richardson (MR) reviewed the changes to the following documents:
Terms of Reference - amendment of MR’s job title
Scheme of Delegation - addition of new funds (Getting Building Fund and Business Resilience
and Recovery Scheme)
Accountable Body Agreement - addition of new funds (Getting Building Fund and Business
Resilience and Recovery Scheme) and streamlined wording on sub-programmes
NB asked what amendments have been made to the bank and payment processing policies and
queried whether they should be brought to the A&R Committee for approval.
RW confirmed that a bank mandate was in place and that the Treasury Policy adopted that used by
Suffolk County Council.
NB noted that the LEP did not have an autonomous Treasury Policy but it should be highlighted that
we had to use that of our Accountable Body.
ACTION: RW to amend Scheme of Delegation and note that Treasury Policy is that of Suffolk CC. A
one page document confirming these processes will be produced.
Review of Audit plan - presented by Price Bailey - Confidential
Alice Boesen (AB) from Price Bailey presented the meeting with the proposed approach to the audit
and highlighted the key areas of risk.
Corporate Risk - Risk Register - Confidential
MR presented the risk register and reviewed the key changes.
Local Assurance Framework Monitoring
MR updated the meeting on the findings of the latest review of the Local Assurance Framework and
noted that no significant issues had been identified.
Next Meeting
It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on 29th June.
Any Other Business