New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
Board Meeting
Wednesday 27th March 2024
10.00am 11.30am
By MS Teams
No. Item
1. Welcome from the Chair
2. Apologies
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Actions / Minutes from the last meeting
Growing Places Fund Loans update - Confidential
6. One Farm Loan update - Confidential For Approval
Chief Executive’s Reportincluding Confidential items.
For Approval
8. Any other Business Update
New Anglia Board Meeting Minutes (Unconfirmed)
31st January 2024
Katy Davies (KD)
Shift Momentum
C-J Green (CJG)
Brave Goose
David Pomfret (DP)
College of West Anglia
Dominic Keen (DK)
Kathy Atkinson (KA)
Valeo Snack Foods
Neil MacDonald (NM)
Ipswich Borough Council
Kay Mason Billig (KMB)
Norfolk County Council
Andrew Mellen (AM)
Mid Suffolk District Council
Pete Joyner (PJ)
Shorthose Russell
Peter Brady (PB)
Orbital Global and Virtturi
Carl Smith (CS)
Gt Yarmouth Borough Council
Matthew Hicks (MH)
Suffolk County Council
Chris Starkie (CSt)
Norfolk County Council
Rob Hancock (RH)
Suffolk County Council
Chris Dashper (CD)
New Anglia LEP
Lisa Roberts (LR)
New Anglia LEP
Julian Munson (JM)
New Anglia LEP
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
David Dukes (DD)
New Anglia LEP/NCC
Mike Todman (MT)
Cities and Local Growth Unit
Michael Pedder (MP)
Cities and Local Growth Unit
Melanie Richardson (MR)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the meeting: (25.10.23)
Welcome from the Chair
C-J Green (CJG) welcomed all board members to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Sandy Ruddock, Helen Langton, Mike Stonard, Claire Cullens,
Johnathan Reynolds.
3. Declarations of Interest
Actions/Minutes from the last Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 25th October 2023 were agreed as accurate.
Norfolk and Suffolk LEP Integration Plans Update
Rob Hancock (RH) introduced the Norfolk and Suffolk LEP Integration Plans Update as it was
agreed at the September Board that he would return to present a further update to the Board.
Overall, the LEP is making good progress and is on track for 1st April integration.
RH presented sections 1 3 which provided a summary position, the Integration Plans and
LEP functions. RH noted that this was now an operational plan and a number of MOUs were
being put into place to agree respective responsibilities.
RH walked through each of the LEP’s key functions.
Chris Starkie (CSt) presented sections 4 which provided an update on the LEP staffing and
people transition, Business Boards and alternative options. CSt highlighted that Government’s
December guidance was more specific around loans and assets and that they should revert
to the Accountable Body. CSt also noted that in Norfolk a different approach was being taken
with regards to Enterprise Zone pooling in that individual agreements were being made with
each of the Norfolk district councils to alleviate any financial concerns.
Regarding staffing requirements CSt noted that work behind the scenes is ongoing and they
are keen to retain LEP staff and skills where affordable. Of the 55 LEP roles, 43 posts were
allocated to NCC/SCC structures. CSt advised that the LEP consultation has now concluded
and that Councils can now talk directly with staff. Meetings have been scheduled to do so.
CSt highlighted that both councils have engaged extensively with business on the
development of business boards. Suffolk Business Board recruitment is slightly ahead of the
Norfolk Business Board. Norfolk is starting work on its Economic Strategy now. A press
release signed off by all parties, letting stakeholders know of plans will be issued shortly.
Mike Todman (MT) advised that both plans had been received and assessed and will write
shortly to confirm that Government is satisfied and set out the funding to be received.
C-J Green (CJG) queried whether principles around the distribution of assets had been
agreed. CSt confirmed that individual meetings had been held with each of the Norfolk
districts and that there was verbal agreement in principle and that this would be followed up in
C-J Green asked for an update on New Anglia Capital (NAC). CSt responded that they are
taking financial and legal advice to ascertain what is the best legal construct. The ambition is
to see NAC continue although they are not yet at the stage to put funding in. There is a role to
monitor the existing programme and continue to develop the Angel investing network. NCC
are happy to be the Accountable Body for this.
Andrew Mellen (AM) raised a point about the make up of different Business Boards. For NCC
it is clear that district councils will be represented on the Norfolk Board but there is not the
same assurance in Suffolk which is regrettable.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
Business Growth Programme Completion (European Regional Development Fund)
Chris Dashper (CD) presented the report and highlighted the following:
That the Business Growth Programme is our most significant grant funding programme and
has supported the Growth Hub alongside creating opportunities and access for support.
The summative assessment gives a positive picture of the programme and shows that ours is
the most successful ERDF programme that has been in place.
We have a live database of over 14,000 businesses which indicates how much effort put into
the region’s businesses.
Overall, the ERDF funded elements of the business expenditure totalled £34m.
Peter Brady (PB) expressed his thanks to the programme as his business benefitted from the
Growth Hub when he moved into the region (with support, guidance R+D tax credit info). PB
noted that making businesses aware is really critical to success.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
Chief Executive’s Report
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) presented the report and highlighted section 2 in respect of Industry
Councils Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils will attend future Industry Council meetings
but it is noted that the format of these meetings has changed.
Julian Munson (JM) highlighted key points in respect of the Council for Digital tech. They are
continuing to discuss emerging technologies, in particular AI. A strong focus on investment
and funding. A bid has gone it to look at targeted support waiting to hear if successful.
Developing a gaming cluster, Games East. JM also advised of the launch of an Innovation
Action Plan.
Peter Brady (PB) added that seed funding capability was crucial and it is important that this
happens. PB has own business researching and developing AI and noted that AI will be
important to the economy and is a huge strength already in this region, e.g. Adastral Park and
own business. The Industry Council has a big role to play across the region so that
businesses are aware of the opportunity to adopt AI.
Regarding LEP transition and integration, RW advised that staff consultation commenced at
the end of November, with formal letters going out last week. There has been a lot of staff
communications as part of the consultation. Discussions have now moved to how things will
work in future. RW noted that not everyone has a role in the new structure.
RW highlighted that the LEP transition and integration section of the report outlines the next
steps from the LEP perspective, including assumptions and rough timelines. The team has
been working with Price Bailey on the proposals which are still to go to the Audit and Risk
Committee early February. RW noted that there will still be some need for the Board to review
and sign off our accounts and to obtain Board agreement to progress the Members’ Voluntary
Liquidation process. RW asked the Board for their continue support and that there may be a
requirement to respond at short notice.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
Quarterly Management Accounts - Confidential
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
Board Forward Plan
CJG advised that she was minded to cancel the February Board meeting but that the March
meeting would go ahead. CJG reminded Board members that there may be the need for short
notice sign off as the LEP progresses wind up.
10. Any Other Business
DP gave his thanks to CSt, RH and RW for successfully managing the transition process.
CSt gave his thanks to David Dukes on his last day before retirement.
LEP Directors only stayed for a confidential AOB item.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 27th March 2024
Agenda Item 7
Chief Executive’s Report
This report focuses on by exception reporting on key issues and information for the board’s
The report is grouped under five headings 1) LEP managed projects and programmes, 2) LEP
Industry councils and Sub-groups, 3) External Partnership Activity, 4) Governance and Finance,
and 5) LEP Transition and Integration.
1) LEP Managed Projects and Programmes
2) LEP Industry Councils and Sub-groups
3) External Partnership Activity
INDUS Project
The LEP is a partner in an Ofgem funded private sector Industrial Decarbonisation project led by
Competitive energy costs are critical to industrial competitiveness, particularly as we transition to
net zero. This transition will entail significant change and costs to our economy. Electricity
networks are fundamental to enabling and accelerating this transition in a cost-effective and
efficient way.
Historic approaches to energy system planning, investment and operation are changing because
many stakeholders recognise they often lack the tools and frameworks to take optimal advantage
of new technologies; as well as respond to the net zero imperative with the urgency required.
However, the industrial and business perspective has been particularly poorly represented in these
changes, especially that of companies outside the major petro-chemicals and steel sectors.
UKPN recognise this challenge and have sponsored Project INDUS to:
1. explore ways to amend their solutions, systems and frameworks to better facilitate the
net zero transition for dispersed industrial sites
2. work collaboratively with partners to support development of at least one net zero
industrial park in East Anglia that will become a national exemplar of the way to apply
such solutions and ‘road test’ the new approaches developed
Project INDUS has two specific objectives:
1. Develop a set of solutions, frameworks and processes for UKPN and local authorities in
particular, that support these aims
2. Test these solutions in partnership with up to two industrial park developments in
Norfolk, Suffolk and Peterborough.
The Alpha phase of the project (to March 2024) will design the solutions and process changes to
test; agree which locations and partners to test these with in Beta; and develop an outline business
case for the Beta stage of the project.
The LEP have led on industrial engagement across Norfolk and Suffolk, helping to identify potential
sites for the next phase of the project. Lotus and Hethel Engineering Centre site in Norfolk has
been selected for the Beta site. With two other sites across Norfolk and Suffolk identify which could
become a Beta site in the next phase.
The next step for the project is to develop the Beta phase bid which will be submitted to the next
stage of funding in May, with Beta phase expected to start in October 2024. Lisa Roberts and
Nicolette Jefferys will continue to engage in the project beyond March 2024 as their functions
transfer to Suffolk and Norfolk County Councils respectively.
4) Governance, Operations and Finance
Annual Performance Review (APR): As in previous years, the 2023/24 APR process focused on
the three themes of Governance and Integration, Delivery and Strategic Impact. We submitted the
documentation to support the final APR on 27th February. Completion of the APR process is
anticipated by April.
Audit and Risk Committee: The final meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee took place on 8th
February. At this meeting Price Bailey presented their Planning Report and highlighted that there is
no need for a statutory audit provided the companies enter into formal liquidation before the statutory
filing deadline (31 December 2024). Price Bailey’s proposal for Members’ Voluntary Liquidation
(MVL) was also presented. Both plans were discussed and approved by the Committee, and it was
agreed that the Audit and Risk Committee could now stand down.
5) LEP Transition and Integration
LEP Functions transition
Future State
Growth Hub
Growth Hub delivery will continue on a joint basis in FY24/25. NCC will
operate the back office, for both counties. The CRM contract has been
extended to April 2025, and the Growth Hub programme manager will
transfer into NCC to oversee the Growth Hub as a whole. Appropriate
arrangements have been made to ensure access to the CRM system to
both SCC and NCC will continue.
Staff transfers have been agreed, although 3 members of the team
have resigned ahead of the transfer. Arrangements to replace these
members of the team are under discussion, including how to deliver the
High Growth programme across Norfolk and Suffolk.
As previously noted, the YTKO contract in Suffolk will continue until
March 2025 and arrangements have been to ensure that current
working relationships will continue. This includes the provision of
appropriate equipment to allow YTKO to access systems and data.
Since the branding and identity of the Growth Hub will remain
unchanged in 24/25, promotional and media materials have been
retained and will be moved to be stored at NCC ahead of the transfer.
Inward Investment
The Inward Investment function will continue as is. It is resourced and
funded directly via SCC and NCC secondees who will continue to
operate as a virtual team in FY24/25.
No further action from the LEP.
Business grant and
loan programmes
Industry councils
As reported at the January LEP Board meeting, the industry councils
will continue in their current form in FY24/25.
SCC and NCC will split the responsibilities for supporting and for the
secretariat of the industry councils, and most importantly, to ensure they
remain engaged in the wider growth and skills agenda.
NCC will secretariat the Agritech Council and New Anglia Advanced
Manufacturing and Engineering Group (NAAME). SCC will secretariat
the Council for Digital Tech. SCC will also secretariat the Energy
Council, which is not currently convening, due to the issues identified in
the LEP Board report of November 2023.
It is also expected the Norfolk and Suffolk Business Boards will have a
strong interest in the perspectives of the industry councils, and they will
provide input to key initiatives such as the refreshed economic strategy.
During February and March, meetings were held by the Council for
Digital Tech and Agri-Food Industry Council with specific agenda items
covering the LEP integration plans. Senior representatives from Suffolk
and Norfolk County Councils jointly presented the plans for Industry
Councils following integration of LEP functions. Time was also allowed
for discussion and questions from members of the Industry Councils.
Members of these committees all understand and are committed to
ongoing support.
A meeting is planned for the New Anglia Advanced Manufacturing and
Engineering Group but not until into the new financial year.
Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs) are currently in the process of
being drafted to reconfirm the principles and key objectives for the
Industry Councils, Innovation Board and specific programme activity
including Connected Innovation.
Innovation Board and
As reported at the previous LEP Board meeting the New Anglia
Innovation Board will continue in 2024/25. NCC will provide secretariat
Programmes e.g.
Innovation, Space
for the Innovation Board, and it is expected that the current Innovation
Board will continue based on their existing Terms of Reference, and
that a relationship be established between the Innovation Board, Suffolk
Business Board and Norfolk Business Board.
A meeting of the Innovation Board was held on 22nd February with a
specific agenda item covering the LEP integration plans. Senior
representatives from Suffolk and Norfolk County Councils jointly
presented the plans for the Innovation Board and related programme
activity following integration of LEP functions. Time was also allowed for
discussion and questions from members of the Innovation Board.
Members of this committee all understand and are committed to
ongoing support.
Programmes such as Connected Innovation are also recognised by the
Innovation Board as being very successful, and critical for the
development of the Suffolk and Norfolk economies.
This programme will continue with its current strategy and workstreams,
as previously agreed with the LEP Board and will continue to report into
the Innovation Board and Council for Digital Tech.
It also forms a key point of delivery for Innovate UK’s New Anglia
Innovation Action Plan, launched in December and endorsed by the
LEP and both County Councils.
Funding associated with the Connected Innovation Programme (as with
other programmes) will be split between SCC and NCC based on the
roles sitting in each organisation with the innovation team operating as
a virtual team across the two counties, in the same way as Inward
A number of funding streams run out at the end of FY24/25, such as the
current Space Sector funding (Space East); the team will seek to make
the case to government for extensions to this funding and the wider
Enterprise Zones
Operation and oversight of Enterprise Zones will be separated between
SCC and NCC, on a geographic basis. LEP staff have also been split
between SCC and NCC.
In Suffolk, as regards revenues from Enterprise Zones, the splits
between Pots A, B & C will remain the same. The tri-partite Enterprise
Zone legal agreements will multilaterally terminate when the LEP
ceases with the intention of one multi district and Suffolk County
Council Enterprise Zone legal agreement replacing these. One
exception is the Mid Suffolk (Gateway 14) will not be included as it has
Freeport designation.
The integrated LEP functions will still require some funding from Pot C,
which will be drawn down first each year. Remaining Pot C funds will
be utilised in ‘Suffolk Investments’, which has been agreed as a vehicle
for shared Suffolk priorities. SCC, all Districts and two Business Board
members will sit on the investment committee to oversee Suffolk
Investments spend plans.
Revised legal agreements regarding revenues from Enterprise Zones in
Norfolk are being agreed on a site-by-site basis between NCC and
individual district councils as requested by Norfolk districts. Funding
generated by the EZ sites will continue to be used to support economic
growth in the areas.
As all current Enterprise Zone legal agreements across both Norfolk
and Suffolk are set to terminate and not novate there is no further action
required from the LEP in this regard.
Skills Boot Camps
The Skills Bootcamp Programme will be delivered and managed by
SCC on behalf of both Suffolk and Norfolk.
The latest ‘Wave 5’ bootcamp funding from the Department for
Education (£2.5m) covering bootcamp provision in financial year 24/25
has been secured. SCC have issued the procurement seeking
providers to deliver Skills Bootcamps during 2024/25 financial year.
Novation letters have been issued to all providers currently delivering
Wave 4, transferring their current contracts from the LEP to SCC.
The programme has had a strong performance this year and is on track
to more than doubling the number of learners benefiting from the
programme and is expected to exceed targets.
The LEP are currently processing the final round of claims from
providers and will submit the final programme to the Department for
Education in April.
Careers Hub
NCC will assume primary accountability and responsibility for the
delivery of the Careers Hub across both Norfolk and Suffolk. NCC will
manage the contract with the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC)
and employ and manage the members of staff employed to deliver the
Careers Hub in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Funding is secured from the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC)
until August 2025 and both SCC and NCC have confirmed their
commitment to the local match until then.
The Careers Hub ESF project has been closed with its targets being
From the 1st April the New Anglia Careers Hub will be rebranded to the
Norfolk and Suffolk Careers Hub.
Final claim for January to March will to be submitted to the CEC by the
New Anglia Capital
NCC / SCC met with the NAC Board on the 27th February and put
forward an initial proposal - New Anglia Capital to be retained and
managed by NCC, for the benefit of both Norfolk and Suffolk.
Whilst final agreement still needs to be reached, our working
assumption is that New Anglia Capital will be retained as an entity. NCC
/ SCC will be added as members to New Anglia Capital, replacing the
LEP, effectively allowing the Councils to take ownership of New Anglia
The NAC Board directors have been asked (individually) to confirm
whether they are willing to continue as Directors of NAC, and to agree
the principle of an equitable balance of directors between Norfolk and
The presentation also covered proposals on the treatment of the
existing portfolio, the funding arrangements, an agreement regarding
exit returns, and the treatment of future capital injections into NAC.
Professional advice will be taken (financial and legal) once final
agreement has been reached to ensure that this transfer is correctly
LEP Staffing and People transition
The September LEP Board Report and the Integration Plans set out the LEP’s current
organisational structure and broad information about the staffing cost base. Subsequent to this,
extensive work has taken place involving HR leads across LEP, SCC and NCC, and involving the
senior management stakeholders at LEP, SCC and NCC.
Both NCC and SCC indicated that they were looking to retain LEP staff and key skills, where
funding was available, and where it was affordable for the Councils.
During Autumn, NCC and SCC set out their ‘target organisation structures’ which identified the
LEP roles each organisation wished to integrate, based on the plan for the functions as set out in
the Integration Plan.
Of the 55 LEP roles, 43 were allocated to the target SCC and NCC structures. The remaining 12
roles were already vacant, had been resigned, or were not required.
NCC requested two vacant Enterprise Co-ordinator posts be recruited to and these were appointed
to in December and January.
During Autumn, the HR teams also explored the most appropriate solutions and interpretation for
TUPE transferring LEP staff to the Councils.
Once TUPE had been agreed by all parties, the LEP began a formal consultation process. This
commenced in November and was led by the CEO. Staff members were advised of their
destination organisation and whether they had an identified role within the NCC / SCC structure.
Where individuals had no identified role in the future structure, alternative options were set out.
A set of Frequently Asked Questions were developed to support this process.
SCC and NCC gave presentations to LEP staff in October, December and January, setting out the
future arrangements, and responding to staff questions.
During February, SCC and NCC held half day workshops for LEP staff. The LEP also shared the
required employee due diligence information with the relevant Council and issued individual letters
to staff confirming the TUPE transfer, agreed measures and destination Council.
Three resignations were received during February, leaving 30 staff to transfer to NCC and 13 staff
to transfer to SCC. In addition, 4 members of staff who were not allocated roles in NCC or SCC
structures will leave the LEP on 31 March 2024 under voluntary redundancy.
The CEO and Finance Manager were also not allocated roles and have opted for voluntary
redundancy. They will remain in post to complete the year end procedures, draw up the final
accounts and then support the LEP closing arrangements, with a target date of end June.
Transfer of Operations
Colleagues in Breakwater IT, Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils have been extremely supportive
in identifying and putting in place processes for the migration of virtual files and office 365
accounts. The process identified will have minimal impact to staff and day to day work enabling
work right up to the last day.
Transfer of virtual filesTo ensure a smooth transition and enable cross county working
where initiatives will continue on that footing, one SharePoint site has been set up and will
be hosted by SCC. All files will transfer to this site and all staff transferring to Norfolk and
Suffolk County Council will be able to access their relevant files as they would have done in
the LEP. The migration process will commence on 17th March and conclude on 28th March.
Office 365 AccountsTo support continuity of work all staff and relevant shared
mailboxes, calendars, contacts and OneDrive data will be transferred to their new council
mailboxes. The migration process will commence on 25th March and conclude on 28th
Norfolk County Council will be taking on the New Anglia Growth Hub domain
( We are working to minimise the impact of this transition on
businesses in our region. There are a few issues that still need resolving.
Websites - Work is at an advanced stage with regards to the transition and hosting of
specific websites and systems to County Councils e.g. Growth Hub, CRM, Connected
Innovation, Careers Hub to Norfolk CC (where they have agreed to host those programmes
and staff). Suffolk CC will manage/oversee websites such as New Anglia LEP (for a further
6 months until it is archived), Norfolk and Suffolk Unlimited and Space East.
Other systems and licences which involve contracts or MOUs, such as Beauhurst business
database and external websites such as NAAME are being novated across to the relevant County
Transfer of Funding
It is anticipated that funds that are committed to specific programmes or projects will be transferred
in early April as soon as the final balances have been confirmed.
A phased approach will be taken to the transfer of uncommitted balances. This will happen over
Q1 and once all LEP obligations have been metinvoices paid, redundancy costs for LEP and
SCC staff met, professional service fees discharged (legal, audit, insolvency practitioners).
Distributions made to SCC / NCC will be made with the agreement of all parties via a standard
proforma, and based on the Integration Plans previously approved by the LEP Board.
Ongoing work and key risks
There is ongoing work in a number of areas:
- There are a number of contracts that are still in the process of being re-drafted or
transferred by NCC / SCC.
- The apportionment of certain Norfolk assets still needs to be confirmed.
- The legal and financial work to support the NAC proposal needs to be completed after final
agreement is reached.
- And there are operational items which still need to be closed.
The LEP Board is asked to:
- Note the report.
- Agree the progress being made as regards transition and implementation of the Norfolk and
Suffolk LEP Integration Plans.