The key aims of the Agri-Tech and Food Tech Launchpad are to support the formation of new
collaborative R&D partnerships, improve the quality of innovation bids from our region, attract
people and businesses from outside of our region, and importantly to engage more businesses
in innovation activities.
The Launchpad itself is all encompassing, covering agri-tech, agri-biotech and food-tech. But
we all worked hard to ensure this supported as many sub-sectors as possible hence it covers:
o Improving sustainability in the context of environmental challenges
o Productivity improvements to horticulture, livestock and aquaculture
o Food manufacturing and processing
o Resilience across the supply chain
o Supporting safe, healthy and nutritious diets
o Enhancing animal welfare
o Minimising waste and pollution across the agri-food chain
Round one of the Innovate UK Agri-Tech and Food Tech Launchpad commenced on 23rd
October and closed on 6th December, comprising of:
o Minimum Financial Assistance – 100% fully funded grants for businesses between
o Collaborative R&D – Grant funding between £150k-300k for businesses to build R&D
consortia with research institutes, universities, charities, larger corporates, etc.
o As a result of the briefing we led with Greater Lincolnshire LEP and the fantastic
information sharing from partners such as Agri-TechE , New Anglia LEP has heard from
a huge number of companies interested in these two competitions. We have signposted
businesses to the Innovation Grant Mentoring Project for free bid writing and mentoring
support, Innovate UK EDGE for similar support for larger companies, and to our
academic experts where there are opportunities for the CR&D programme.
o Where companies were not quite ready for round 1, they know that there will be another
round or two to support them. We expect round 2 to commence around the new
financial year in 2024.
o In addition, there is a Cluster Management Organisation competition still open. This
will support the management of the Launchpad across the four counties and multiple
sub-sectors – we are working with the Greater Lincolnshire LEP and Cambridgeshire
and Peterborough Combined Authority to bid in to support this with funding to be split
across the four counties if successful.
In addition to the Launchpad, New Anglia LEP’s Connected Innovation team (which I sit in)
have been working closely with Innovate UK to develop the Innovate UK Local Action Plan for
Norfolk and Suffolk. This is a real coup as it is the first Action Plan published outside of the
non-mayoral combined authorities or devolved nations.
The document was launched last week with the CEO of Innovate UK and a huge presence
from across the Catapult Network and Innovate UK KTN and EDGE.
The key commitments in the plan are to strengthen strategic partnerships (including our
industry council); provide targeted innovation support (see the launchpad as one mechanism,
but lots of other Innovate UK support for the sector, including working with Defra and the Agri-
Tech Centres); and finally, a commitment to engage and inspire innovation showcasing case
studies of exciting companies in this area.
As part of this focus, Calum Murray, Innovate UK’s Head of Agriculture and Food has
committed to supporting future Agri-Food Industry Council meetings and working up potential
actions to support with Innovate UK’s key priorities for the sector.
Jonathan Clarke:
Thank you for pushing this through with Innovate UK.
In terms of reviewing the grant applications, who is sat on the panels as there are some
important learnings from the Eastern Agri-Tech Growth Initiative.
From this funding competition, there will also be some opportunities to draw out exciting case
studies for us to promote to inspire and encourage innovation.