- East MEE – joining up all the silos in the marine environment – bringing together all sectors into one
- Produce one report on the state of the environment each year.
- Annual conference planned – led by Bob Earl and Roger Proudfoot – Environment Agency.
- Alan Turing institute secondment ongoing – showing an exemplar model of working with another
agency / partners. Work is focused on identification of phytoplankton using Earth Observation.
Julie Schofield, UEA
- UEA celebrating 60th anniversary and launching civic charter in October.
- Fiona Lettice has departed at the end of August. Prof. Brian Reid is the new pro vice chancellor.
- New School of Computing head – Prof. Beatriz De La Iglesia.
- Design Council – hosting 17th / 18th October – first time they have come to the region to host the
- Lots of funding calls over the summer with a September deadline – lots of bids that are in and awaiting
decisions on.
- Challenging working up bids during periods when it is more difficult to link in with industry ie. Summer.
- 9th year of Sync City – hosted on the 23rd – 25th November in the centre of Norwich.
Laura Hill, Norfolk County Council
- IGMP – had a business IBoxit – based at Norwich Research Park – successfully bidded into Innovate UK
– case study here - https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/23768625.iboxit-secures-nearly-1m-develop-
- Keen to hear from more prospective businesses interested in innovation funding.
- Can provide support with bids, coaching and mentoring.
- Helped 4 business apply for grants last week.
- Another business working toward a Smart Grant.
- Information shared with the steering group but not with wider stakeholders at this stage.
- Presented to Creative East last week with Urban XR about the success they had with the programme
and securing Create Growth funding.
- Keen to share more information more publicly moving forward.
- Going into the third year of the project with an increased number of successes as it has developed.
- Increased awareness amongst businesses about the support and engaging with the programme.
- Plenty of case studies that can be promoted amongst board members and the network.
Nicolette Jeffreys, New Anglia
- Local industrial de-carbonisation bid decision due on Monday.
- 24th October – initial online briefing event for Clean Growth event.
- 30th November in person Clean Growth event – focused on the Agri supply chain – being planned.
- Speakers, panellists and a showcase to be included in the event.
- Keen for ideas from the member and networks on businesses who want to be involved.
- Focus will be on the agri-food supply chain – businesses do not need to be a solely agri-food business.
- More information will be shared on this too.
Lisa Perkins, BT
- Site is still a critical BT site despite recent news regarding staffing and redundancies.
- Will still be a key regional innovation hub too.
- Adastral vision is being developed – enhancing the ecosystem over and above what it looks like
currently and supported by the senior BT team.
- Keen to share this document with the board once it is developed.
- Keen to look to land the key initiatives within this with support from the board.
- BT Sustainability Festival held yesterday – 2,000 people attended. Large organisations sponsored and
exhibited alongside those from the BT / Innovation Martlesham cluster.
- Helped shine a spotlight on the capabilities of both BT and the region.