New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
Investment Appraisal Committee
Wednesday 29th November 2023
TEAMS Meeting
9am to 9:45am
No. Item
1. Welcome
Main Agenda
2. Apologies
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of previous meeting, 25th October 2023
Items for Discussion
5. Confidential: Growing Places Fund loans update
6. Confidential: Growing Places Fund loan request
7. Any Other Business
Committee Members
Neil Macdonald Ipswich Borough Council
Kay Mason-Billig Norfolk County Council
Sandy Ruddock Scarlett and Mustard
Mike Stonard Norwich City Council
Dominic Keen High Growth Robotics
Kathy Atkinson Valeo
Martin Williams Williams Business Advisory
Exec Members
Rosanne Wijnberg New Anglia LEP
Chris Dashper New Anglia LEP
Jonathan Rudd New Anglia LEP
Date and time of next meeting: Wednesday 31 January 2024, 9:00am
Venue: TEAMS Meeting
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
Investment Appraisal Committee
Wednesday 25th October 2023
Item 6 – GPF Loan request
MW & CD to review loan security outside of the meeting
1 Welcome from the Chair
DK welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2 Apologies
Apologies were received from Kathy Atkinson
3 Declarations of Interest
KMB declared in interest Item 6 – the GPF loan request.
4 Minutes of previous meetings
MW requested an amendment to the item on the Waypoint cinema loan request with addition of
the work “not” in the 2nd paragraph.
The minutes of the meeting held on 20th September were then agreed as accurate.
5 Growing Places Fund loans update – Confidential
JR provided the committee with an update on current and future potential loans.
Projects raised include:
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
6 Confidential: Growing Places Fund loan request
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
Committee Members
Neil Macdonald Ipswich Borough Council
Kay Mason-Billig Norfolk County Council
Sandy Ruddock Scarlett and Mustard
Mike Stonard Norwich City Council
Dominic Keen High Growth Robotics
Kathy Atkinson Valeo
Martin Williams Williams Business Advisory
Exec Members
Rosanne Wijnberg New Anglia LEP
Chris Dashper New Anglia LEP
Date and time of next meeting: Wednesday 29th November 9:00am
Venue: TEAMS Meeting
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
Investment Appraisal Committee
Wednesday 29th November 2023
Agenda Item 5
Growing Places Fund: Loans Update - Confidential
Author and presenter: Jonathan Rudd
This paper provides an update on both existing & potential loans.
The current allocation available for loan provision from the Growing Places Fund budget is
approx. £2million. Given the transition plan for the LEP going forward it is judged appropriate to
continue considering loan applications until the end of December 2023.
The committee is requested to note the progress of extant projects and new applications being
considered and the wider context of LEP provision.
Existing Loans
On Wed 20 September 2023, the Committee received an update on the Regatta Quay
development and the proposal by Homes England to write off its residual loan exposure
and release the Freehold of the building to the developer. The Committee agreed in
principle to this proposal and for New Anglia LEP to accept a £500 thousand interest
payment and forgo any further outstanding interest costs on the loan.
Homes England were notified of the committee’s decision in early October. Papers are now
moving through the Homes England financial approval process, although no final decision
has been taken yet.
OneFarm Ltd
OneFarm entered administration on 12 October 2023 to be shut down and broken up, with
assets being sold off. The administrators, Resolve LLP held an auction of OneFarm assets
in late October, recovered the energy deposit and were arranging to pay employee claims.
Amounts are a fraction of the overall debt at just a few %.
Relations with the landlord are improved, with regular security visits of the premises to
ensure the safety of remaining equipment, principally the growth towers. The premises are
expected to be vacated by the end of the year and marketing to attract a new occupant has
On 17 November 2023, the supplier, Intelligent Growth Solutions submitted their
substantive Letter of Response to the OneFarms Letter of Claim against them for
fraudulent and negligent representation, as well as breach of contract and warranty. As
perhaps expected, this response contests the claim and blames OneFarm for the failure to
achieve crop yields sufficient for full production. OneFarm have already begun work to
refute IGS assertions with facts and evidence.
This claim is still at the ‘pre-action stage’, it has not been issued with the Court and it is not
clear whether it will proceed to formal litigation. OneFarm, taking advise from legal counsel,
will have to determine if (and when) it is appropriate to do so. However, a litigation funding
broker is working on finding an investor for the potential litigation process.
Potential Loans
Building Partnerships Ltd - Broadway Enterprise Park
On 25 October 2023, the committee considered a proposal from Building Partnerships Ltd
for a £1million loan toward development of infrastructure at Broadway Enterprise Park. The
committee agreed to support provision of the loan subject to Building Partnerships meeting
all conditions and increased loan security. Accelerating repayment of the loan was also
Improving security for the loan and repayment of the capital was thereby discussed outside
the meeting. In addition to increasing the area covered by a legal charge as security, it was
proposed that the loan be repaid as a specified percentage of nett proceeds from the future
sale of plots, thereby ensuring repayment of the loan at the earliest opportunity. These
conditions are included in the LEP Board paper recommending support for this project and
will be incorporated into the loan facility agreement.
Sales of the initial 5 plots should be completed by the end of November 2023 with detailed
planning applications submitted for approval. Building Partnerships are meeting with
Broadland District Council to discuss the delivery of the infrastructure and avoid problems.
There were 9 expressions of interest for constructing the infrastructure, tenders are
expected in December with a decision for contract award likely in January 2024. Works are
expected to start in April and be complete by December 2024.
Waypoint Cinema Ltd- The Friendly Invasion
At its meeting on 20 September 2023, the committee received an update on this project and
a request for an in-principle commitment to loan of up to £1M, subject to meeting
conditions, satisfactory due diligence and appropriate security. The committee declined the
request for support, although agreed to receive updates and a further paper when the
conditions had been fulfilled.
We reiterated the conditions to be met regarding the property lease, planning consents,
match funding and security for the loan. Additionally, we asked Waypoint to consider their
direct financial contribution, the marketing pitch deck for their crowdfunding campaign and
how they might establish a suitable community of interest &/or support. We also asked for
additional details about production of ‘The Friendly Invasion’.
Waypoint have made progress with these matters, which include a decrease in cost and
reduction in size of the loan. We have therefore produced a separate paper that includes
the revised details and requesting a loan of £500k.
The committee is requested to note the progress of extant projects and new applications
being considered within the wider context of LEP provision.
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
Investment Appraisal Committee
Wednesday 29th November 2023
Item 6 - Waypoint Cinema loan request- Confidential
The LEP Executive team have continued to work with the Waypoint Cinema project
applicants since the project was discussed at the September 2023 meeting of the
Following feedback from the IAC, considerable progress has been made with the
project and a number of improvements have been made, including:
Funding request from the LEP reduced to £500k from £1m
Additional match funding applied for and outlined in the funding breakdown
Project costs reduced by £500k
To allow the opportunity for the updated supporting information to be incorporated into
the paper for the IAC meeting, the paper will be circulated to all IAC members no later
than Monday 27 November. This also allows for an update on potential match
funding, a decision on which is anticipated on Thursday 23 November, to be included
in the paper.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions on the above.
Kind regards