




New Anglia Board Meeting Minutes (Confirmed)

20th September 2023




Kathy Atkinson (KA)

Valeo Snack Foods

Peter Brady (PB)

Orbital Media

Katy Davies (KD)

Shift Momentum

C-J Green (CJG)

Brave Goose

Claire Cullens (CC)

Norfolk Community Foundation

Pete Joyner (PJ)

Shorthose Russell

Dominic Keen (DK)


Neil MacDonald (NM)

Ipswich Borough Council

Kay Mason Billig (KMB)

Norfolk County Council

Andrew Mellen (AM)

Mid Suffolk District Council

Johnathan Reynolds (JR)


Carl Smith (CS)

Gt Yarmouth Borough Councl

Mike Stonard (MS)

Norwich City Council













Mike Todman (MT)�


Chris Starkie (CSt)

Norfolk County Council

Rob Hancock (RH)

Suffolk County Council

Chris Dashper (CD)

New Anglia LEP

David Dukes (DD)

New Anglia LEP

Julian Munson (JM)

New Anglia LEP

Alice Tomkins (AT)

New Anglia LEP

Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)

New Anglia LEP

Helen Wilton (HW)

New Anglia LEP






Actions from the meeting: (20.9.23)

Integration of the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership functions

Details of Directors� responsibilities to be presented at a future board meeting

Board Forward Plan

An update on the GSENZH to be added to the board forward plan






Welcome from the Chair

C-J Green (CJG) welcomed all board members to the meeting.� It was agreed that the item on LEP Integration would be addressed first.



Apologies were received from David Pomfret, Helen Langton, Sandy Ruddock and Claire Cullens.


Declarations of Interest




Actions/Minutes from the last Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 19th July were agreed as accurate.




All Energy Industry Council Report

Julian Munson (JM) presented the paper to the board and reviewed the main areas of focus since the last update.� He noted the continued focus on clean energy and the high profile of this sector in the press.


JM confirmed that the specific sector groups had now been set up and were working well.


Generate � JM highlighted the range of events which are promoting the brand and the region�s offering and advised that discussions are ongoing as to how this can be continued after March 2024.


Supply chain & Innovation � The LEP continue to work with the ORE Catapult and other partners to support companies in the offshore wind sector.


Peter Brady (PB) noted that there are still considerable challenges facing the sector and the uncertainty about the progression of some major projects has wide reaching impacts on areas such as training and the supply chain.�

Regional leadership of the sector is still lacking and may need Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex to work together on this via county deals.


Johnathan Reynolds (JR) agreed that there are currently no planned offshore wind construction projects.� Planning is still ongoing for some projects but there is still considerable risk around their progression.


The Board agreed:

        To note the content of the report



Integration of the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership functions

Declarations of Interest - Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) noted that all local authority partners do have an interest in this item which is noted but Government have confirmed that they are eligible to participate in discussion and also vote.


Chris Starkie (CSt) reiterated the value of the LEP and its work to the region.� He advised that work around budgets was ongoing and would incorporate Government funding although the exact amount is still unconfirmed.� Staffing levels will be agreed with the LEP and the relevant HR departments.


CS confirmed that, in the new structure, staff in existing programmes will be transferred to both county councils.

Cross county activities will continue where it makes financial and strategic sense but where there is no funding such the services will cease.

Business voice � CSt stressed that this is vital and will be expressed via the business board which is likely to look similar to the LEP board.

County cooperation - sector and industry councils will continue where possible.

Assets & liabilities � The LEP has no liabilities. Staff will be transferred or offered alternative opportunities where possible.


Rob Hancock (RH) confirmed the importance of the business board to county councils. He noted that, in Suffolk, EZ revenues will be pooled to focus on county wide initiates for economic development.


Mike Todman (MT) confirmed that both plans are compliant with Government guidelines for the transition and advised that funding is unlikely to be confirmed before December. �


JR noted that he had expected more detailed plans at this point and highlighted the risk of the funding not being confirmed until December giving little time to react.� The board needs to understand the implications of this.

He also noted that the 2 county strategic voice is still missing from the plans and queried how will the 2 boards would be linked.

JR advised that other LEPs are looking at other options such as joint ventures with county councils which would retain Government funding.

JR queried the timescales for getting further details in place and when revised plans would come back to the board.


CSt confirmed that more detail would be provided on funding and staffing including options for a 2 county group.


Peter Brady (PB) noted the importance of collaboration to attract investors to the region as a 2 country voice is more powerful.


Dominic Keen (DK) asked for more detail on the responsibilities of directors.

RW confirmed that this was on the forward plan and meetings with legal advisors are planned.


ACTION: Details of Directors� responsibilities to be presented at a future board meeting �

� �

The Board agreed:

        To note the content of the report

        To endorse the approach outlined in the paper towards integration

        To receive more detailed updates on the integration including more information about cross county working

















































Inward Investment

David Dukes (DD) and Alice Tomkins (AT) updated the board with the recent work of the Inward Investment team and reviewed the HPO centred on the Norwich Research Park. The recent campaign has raised the profile of the HPO and is still ongoing.� Information on opportunities identified during the campaign has been shared with partners.


The Norwich University of the Arts has conducted some investigative work on the NSU brand and insights from this will be built into the rebuild of the web site.


Work is ongoing into a number of tech events which will continue and wider manufacturing and engineering events are also being considered.


The Board agreed:

        To note the content of the report



Business Support

Chris Dashper (CD) provided the board with an update on the recent changes to the Growth Hub and confirmed that a full report on those European funded grant programmes which have now closed would follow in November.

He confirmed that initial minor problems have been resolved and the majority of the advisors now directly employed by the LEP therefore continuity of support has been preserved.

CN noted that the LEP is part of the Suffolk Consortium and is in daily contact with YTKO, the other delivery partner.


MT thanked the LEP for acting so quickly and for the continuity of service to businesses which has been provided. �


The Board agreed:

        To note the content of the report



Chief Executive�s Report

RW presented the report and highlighted the items of interest.

RW reminded board members that the LEP AGM was taking place later today and board members are invited to attend.


The board agreed:

        To note the content of the report



Board Forward Plan

CJG reviewed the items on the agenda for the October meeting.


JR requested a future update on the GSENZH and the impacts of its work on Norfolk & Suffolk.

ACTION: �An update on the GSENZH is to be added to the board forward plan


The Board agreed:

        To note the content of the plan








Any Other Business

CJG advised that proposers and seconders would be required for AGM items requiring a vote and asked for volunteers from board.