New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
Investment Appraisal Committee
Wednesday 25th October 2023
TEAMS Meeting
9am to 9:45am
No. Item
1. Welcome
Main Agenda
2. Apologies
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of previous meeting, 20th September 2023
Items for Discussion
5. Confidential: Growing Places Fund loans update
6. Confidential: Growing Places Fund loan request (Broadway Enterprise Park)
7. Any Other Business
Committee Members
Neil Macdonald Ipswich Borough Council
Kay Mason-Billig Norfolk County Council
Sandy Ruddock Scarlett and Mustard
Mike Stonard Norwich City Council
Dominic Keen High Growth Robotics
Kathy Atkinson Valeo
Martin Williams Williams Business Advisory
Exec Members
Rosanne Wijnberg New Anglia LEP
Chris Dashper New Anglia LEP
Jonathan Rudd New Anglia LEP
Date and time of next meeting: Wednesday 29 November 2023, 9:00am
Venue: TEAMS Meeting
New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
Investment Appraisal Committee
Wednesday 20th September 2023
1 Welcome from the Chair
KA welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2 Apologies
Apologies were received from Sandy Ruddock and Mike Stonard.
3 Declarations of Interest
4 Minutes of previous meetings
The minutes of the meeting held on 21st June 2023 were agreed as accurate.
5 Business Transition to Net Zero Programme Performance Report
CD presented the report on the BTNZ Scheme and confirmed there was healthy interest given the
reduced range of grants available. Payments would increase shortly as due diligence is
completed. It was noted that this scheme is not time bound.
6 Growing Places Fund loans update – Confidential
This was approved by the meeting.
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
6 One Farm loan variation request – Confidential
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
8 Growing Places Fund loan request – Confidential
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
9 Programme Governance and delegated authority update
CD presented the update on the main grant schemes and the workings of the internal delegation.
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
To approve the delegated decision arrangements including the appointment of Julie West to the
BTTNZ panel
10 AOB
Committee Members
Neil Macdonald Ipswich Borough Council
Kay Mason-Billig Norfolk County Council
Sandy Ruddock Scarlett and Mustard
Mike Stonard Norwich City Council
Dominic Keen High Growth Robotics
Kathy Atkinson Valeo
Martin Williams Williams Business Advisory
Exec Members
Rosanne Wijnberg New Anglia LEP
Chris Dashper New Anglia LEP
Date and time of next meeting: Wednesday 25th October, 9:00am
Venue: TEAMS Meeting