Peter Joyner declared an interest in Item 9 - Growing Places Fund Loan Application.
Johnathan Reynolds declared an interest in Item 7 - Local Industrial Decarbonisation Plan
It was agreed that, as the meeting was not quorate, the above board members could remain
for the discussion of these items but could not vote on them when decisions were circulated
for agreement by written procedures.
Kay Mason Billig (KMB) presented the board paper and advised that it provided an overview
of the current position in the integration planning process.
Rob Hancock (RH) reviewed progress against the plans agreed to date and noted that the
Government guidance on LEP integration was still outstanding meaning that plans could not
be progressed as much as wished as this point.
RH advised that, given the announcement that the Government is minded to stop funding
LEPs, all LEPs are now going through the transition process but New Anglia was already on
this path due to the proposed Country Deals.
RH reviewed those areas of work as cited on the Government’s list of LEP functions and also
noted those cross county areas of work which would also remain. The board was provided
with details of the principles to which all partners had agreed:
Agreed Principals
o Some specific joint county programmes
o Funds will be recycled to support businesses and aid growth
o Assets will be split as per location
o Advice is being taken on TUPE & staff transfer
o NAC to be considered separately
RH advised that Suffolk County Council will mobilise a business board responsible for
providing strategic direct and priorities.
He noted that current proposals may need revisiting following the release of Government
Chris Starkie (CSt) advised that due to changes in the leadership and staff within Norfolk
County Council the position is not quite as developed as originally planned but work is
ongoing around LEP assets and a conversation had been started with districts on the agreed
approach with the preferred option being to pool assets.
The development of the business board is also being considered.
Mike Todman (MT) confirmed that the guidance would be issued tomorrow accompanied by a
ministerial statement and letters to Leaders and LEP chairs/CEOs. He advised that the
proposals announced by CSt & RH were in line with the guidance.