New Anglia Board Meeting Minutes (Confirmed)
19th July 2023
Katy Davies (KD)
Shift Momentum
C-J Green (CJG)
Brave Goose
Claire Cullens (CC)
Norfolk Community Foundation
Pete Joyner (PJ)
Shorthose Russell
Neil MacDonald (NM)
Ipswich Borough Council
Kay Mason Billig (KMB)
Norfolk County Council
Andrew Mellen (AM)
Mid Suffolk District Council
Johnathan Reynolds (JR)
Carl Smith (CS)
Gt Yarmouth Borough Councl
Mike Stonard (MS)
Norwich City Council
Mike Todman (MT)
Chris Starkie (CS)
Norfolk County Council
Rob Hancock (RH)
Suffolk County Council
Iain Dunnett (ID)
New Anglia LEP
Nicky Jeffries (NJ)
New Anglia LEP
Julian Munson (JM)
New Anglia LEP
Chris Starkie (CSt)
New Anglia LEP
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW)
New Anglia LEP
Helen Wilton (HW)
New Anglia LEP
Actions from the meeting: (19.7.23)
Welcome from the Chair
C-J Green (CJG) welcomed all board members to the meeting in particular Carl Smith and Andrew
Mellen who were attending their first LEP Board meeting.
Apologies were received from David Pomfret, Steve Oliver, Kathy Atkinson, Mathew Hicks, Peter
Brady and Helen Langton.
Declarations of Interest
Peter Joyner declared an interest in Item 9 - Growing Places Fund Loan Application.
Johnathan Reynolds declared an interest in Item 7 - Local Industrial Decarbonisation Plan
It was agreed that, as the meeting was not quorate, the above board members could remain
for the discussion of these items but could not vote on them when decisions were circulated
for agreement by written procedures.
Actions/Minutes from the last Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 24th May were agreed as accurate.
Integration of the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership functions
Kay Mason Billig (KMB) presented the board paper and advised that it provided an overview
of the current position in the integration planning process.
Rob Hancock (RH) reviewed progress against the plans agreed to date and noted that the
Government guidance on LEP integration was still outstanding meaning that plans could not
be progressed as much as wished as this point.
RH advised that, given the announcement that the Government is minded to stop funding
LEPs, all LEPs are now going through the transition process but New Anglia was already on
this path due to the proposed Country Deals.
RH reviewed those areas of work as cited on the Government’s list of LEP functions and also
noted those cross county areas of work which would also remain. The board was provided
with details of the principles to which all partners had agreed:
Agreed Principals
o Some specific joint county programmes
o Funds will be recycled to support businesses and aid growth
o Assets will be split as per location
o Advice is being taken on TUPE & staff transfer
o NAC to be considered separately
RH advised that Suffolk County Council will mobilise a business board responsible for
providing strategic direct and priorities.
He noted that current proposals may need revisiting following the release of Government
Chris Starkie (CSt) advised that due to changes in the leadership and staff within Norfolk
County Council the position is not quite as developed as originally planned but work is
ongoing around LEP assets and a conversation had been started with districts on the agreed
approach with the preferred option being to pool assets.
The development of the business board is also being considered.
Mike Todman (MT) confirmed that the guidance would be issued tomorrow accompanied by a
ministerial statement and letters to Leaders and LEP chairs/CEOs. He advised that the
proposals announced by CSt & RH were in line with the guidance.
Claire Cullens (CC) highlighted the fact that the LEP board has successfully included the 3rd
sector and it would be a shame if this voice was lost going forwards specifically in the skills
Andrew Mellen (AM) noted that one district representative on the business board would be
lost going forward. RH advised that the make up of the board has not yet been agreed.
Johnathan Reynolds (JR) asked whether there had been any consideration of a joint Norfolk
& Suffolk forum to consider overall strategy.
RH and CSt both agreed that this could be useful and a wider conversation would be needed
which could also potentially include colleagues from Essex & Cambridgeshire and other areas
as required.
CSt noted that within NCC a skills board would be set up to sit alongside the full business
Pete Joyner (PJ) asked if it was still realistic to complete the all the work required for the
integration within 8 months.
KMB agreed that timing was tight and much depended on Government providing further
information in a timely manner.
Rosanne Wijnberg (RW) agreed that the window was getting shorter due to delays in
receiving the guidance, but the working assumption was still to integrate next April but this
was being closely monitored.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To endorse the approach outlined in the paper towards integration
To receive the integration plans for endorsement when ready for submission
Norfolk & Suffolk Enterprise Zones Progress Update
Julian Munson (JM) provided the board with a slide presentation to highlight the progress
made against the EZ five year plan and provided details of key success and current building
JM noted that overall the EZs had delivered 5386 jobs, supported 223 businesses and
generated £893m in private and public capital investment. JM also highlighted the successful
partnership working which was evidenced in a number of the sites and cited the Ella May
Barnes building, Crane Park and LHD LaDoria as key examples of this.
AM noted that the Gateway 14 site is designated as a EZ and Freeport and further details will
be agreed over the next year. The retention of business rates will need to be agreed between
the Freeport board and LEP.
CSt advised that the O&M Campus had won at the LGC awards and noted that it was a great
example of partnership working.
JR asked how the New Anglia sites compared with other EZs around the country.
JM advised that reports are submitted twice a year but little information is circulated by
Government although discussions indicate that we are among the most successful.
MT agreed that New Anglia was among the highest performing and that lessons could be
learned on site selection and understanding the needs of key sectors.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
Local Industrial Decarbonisation Plan Confidential
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To endorse the outline proposal
To delegate authority to the LEP leadership team to approve the bid for submission due to
tight deadlines
LEP Draft Accounts 2023/2024 Confidential
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To approve the draft annual financial statements and audit Management Letter for signature
noting the amended accounting policy on Going Concern
Growing Places Fund Loan Application Confidential
New Anglia LEP Governance
RW confirmed that the annual review of the LEPs policies and procedures had been
completed and presented those requiring board approval:
Modern Slavery Statement
Equality & Diversity Policy and Statement
Board Attendance & Observers Policy
Gender Pay Gap report.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
To endorse the policies as listed above
Chief Executive’s Report
RW presented the report and highlighted the business support programme advising advised
that work is ongoing with districts with the focus on ensuring that there is continuity of support
for businesses.
RW noted that the UKSPF funded business support activity runs from 1st July 2023 through to
31st March 2025.
In Suffolk the LEP is part of a consortium with all the districts and have procured Growth Hub
delivery to a third-party provider, YTKO.
In Norfolk SLAs have been signed with North Norfolk, West Norfolk and Norwich and the LEP
is the final stages of signing SLAs with Breckland and Great Yarmouth.
In North Norfolk and West Norfolk the LEP is also delivering their Rural England Prosperity
Fund, a £2.3 million grant programme operating until March 2025.
RW noted that, unfortunately, at this time, there has been no agreement with Broadland or
South Norfolk, so there will be a very limited signposting service in those areas.
The Connected Innovation Programme, new GTI grant scheme and High Growth Programme
will operate LEP wide.
JR noted that a new provider would be covering Suffolk and highlighted the risks around this
in terms of reputation and the quality of service provided as staff were viewed as LEP staff.
RW agreed that it was not an ideal situation but the focus was on provision of service. TUPE
will apply from Suffolk Chamber to the YTKO team.
The board agreed:
To note the content of the report
Quarterly Management Accounts Confidential
RW presented the board with an update on the LEP’s finances for the 3 months ending 30th
June 2023.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
July Performance Report
RW presented the performance reports for July namely the reports for the Careers Hub and
the Community Renewal Fund.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the reports
Board Forward Plan
CJG reviewed the items on the agenda for the September meeting.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the plan
Any Other Business