Careers Hubs Provider Access Policy
Careers Hubs are an important part of the career’s educaon infrastructure for 11-18-year-olds in
Run by the Careers and Enterprise Company – the naonal body for careers educaon - in
partnership with local organisaons, they are designed to:
Bring together school and college careers leaders to share best pracce and work on shared
priories – creang communies of pracce where approaches and thinking constantly
Connect local employers to foster eecve partnerships with schools and colleges to provide
high quality future talent insights.
Work strategically across an area with a range of stakeholders to align with local educaon,
work, and skills priories through strong partnerships.
Demonstrate the impact of careers educaon on the career readiness, educaon, and
employment outcomes of young people.
Provider Access Statement (Further Educaon and Training Providers)
Careers Hubs are commied to:
Amplifying technical and vocaonal routes so young people know about all the opons.
Supporng eecve transions from educaon to work, further study, or training.
Removing barriers for young people. Career Hubs priorise tackling disadvantage in
partnership with local employers.
The Gatsby Benchmarks and the ‘Provider Access Statement’ (historically the ‘Baker
Our work with schools and colleges is framed by the Gatsby Benchmarks – the naonal framework
for organising the careers provision of a school or college.
Details of the relevant expectaons are listed below:
Every student, whatever their ambions, should have the opportunity to explore what it is
like to learn at the full range of learning providers, including colleges, universies,
apprenceship and training providers, University Technical Colleges (UTCs) and Studio
Students should have the opportunity to hear directly from providers, so they can build up a
full picture of the opons available and consider how the opportunity to study or train in
dierent ways, and in dierent environments, might suit their skills, interests, and aptudes.
Schools have a legal duty, commonly known as the ‘Baker Clause’, which requires all
maintained schools and academies to ensure that there is an opportunity for a range of
educaon and training providers to access all year 8 to 13 students for the purpose of
informing them about approved technical educaon qualicaons and apprenceships. We
make all schools aware of their responsibility to do so and support them in providing clear
guidance on provider access.
Providers wishing to work with Careers Hubs:
The Careers Hub does not have the power to enforce provider access into schools and colleges,
however we are commied to using our network to support high quality careers provision for young
The Careers Hub will therefore:
Liaise with providers to discuss their provision and oer to schools and colleges.
Consider ways in which the provider and Careers Hub can work together to address gaps.
Broker introducons to relevant Careers Leaders (where appropriate).
Where possible include providers in a local directory (if one is available) of vocaonal
provision which is shared with schools.
Advise school leaders in a Hub about the implementaon of the Baker Clause.
Deploy Enterprise Coordinators and Enterprise Advisers to support schools and colleges to
develop partnerships and programmes which allow students to explore all pathways.
For addional informaon, please contact the New Anglia Careers Hub team on or email David Ladbrook (Careers Hub Strategic Lead) at