Careers Hubs Provider Access Policy
Careers Hubs are an important part of the career’s educaon infrastructure for 11-18-year-olds in
Run by the Careers and Enterprise Company – the naonal body for careers educaon - in
partnership with local organisaons, they are designed to:
• Bring together school and college careers leaders to share best pracce and work on shared
priories – creang communies of pracce where approaches and thinking constantly
• Connect local employers to foster eecve partnerships with schools and colleges to provide
high quality future talent insights.
• Work strategically across an area with a range of stakeholders to align with local educaon,
work, and skills priories through strong partnerships.
• Demonstrate the impact of careers educaon on the career readiness, educaon, and
employment outcomes of young people.
Provider Access Statement (Further Educaon and Training Providers)
Careers Hubs are commied to:
• Amplifying technical and vocaonal routes so young people know about all the opons.
• Supporng eecve transions from educaon to work, further study, or training.
• Removing barriers for young people. Career Hubs priorise tackling disadvantage in
partnership with local employers.
The Gatsby Benchmarks and the ‘Provider Access Statement’ (historically the ‘Baker
Our work with schools and colleges is framed by the Gatsby Benchmarks – the naonal framework
for organising the careers provision of a school or college.
Details of the relevant expectaons are listed below:
• Every student, whatever their ambions, should have the opportunity to explore what it is
like to learn at the full range of learning providers, including colleges, universies,
apprenceship and training providers, University Technical Colleges (UTCs) and Studio