A stable careers programme – Evaluang your Careers Programme
We have created this document to support schools and colleges in the evaluaon of their careers
programmes. We have provided praccal tools and advice on how to collect feedback from the key
stakeholders idened in Benchmark 1:
1. Students
2. Sta
3. Employers
4. Parents and carers
In this resource we have dedicated a secon to each stakeholder group. Each secon contains
template evaluaon forms and praccal suggesons on eecve collecon methods to maximise
Why gather feedback?
By regularly evaluang careers programmes we can ensure they connue to make a dierence for
young people and are high quality, eecve and responsive to changing needs of students. Compass
requires schools and colleges to regularly evaluate their programme:
To monitor and improve the eecveness of the careers programme.
To demonstrate the value of the careers provision for young people.
To inform connuous improvement of provision.
When should you collect and evaluate feedback?
Gatsby Benchmark 1 indicates that Careers Programmes should be ‘evaluated for its eecveness at
least every three years. However, best pracce would be to review the programme on an annual
basis. If this is done at the end of each academic year it enables development of the programme for
the start of the following academic year.
To enable schools and colleges to evaluate their careers programme, and track progress against the
Gatsby Benchmarks throughout the year a Compass evaluaon should be completed on a termly
basis. This will support and compliment overall evaluaon of the programme.
Gatsby Benchmark 1
Evaluaon guidance
1. Student Evaluaon
a. Evaluaon forms
Microso Forms - the link below will open a preview of the template; click the blue
“Duplicate it” buon in top right-hand corner of screen, a copy will then be created
for you to use as your own link
Google Forms – the link below will open a preview of the template; click the blue
“USE TEMPLATE” buon in top right-hand corner of screen, your own version to edit
and send out will then be created
Word Document version – Appendix 1
b. Collecon methods
Survey Evaluaon Forms
Add the relevant links to the student secon on the school/college website or
internal student plaorm if applicable.
Use tutor mes or PSHE/Careers lessons to get students to complete forms, either
prinng a version of the Word document or using the links above.
Allow me during a careers enterprise day, for example along with CV workshops
and interview preparaon workshops.
Student Careers Focus group
Form a Student Focus Group with a cross secon of year groups, discuss the careers
programme with the group and collect their feedback.
The quesons within the evaluaon forms can be used to guide the discussions.
Future Skills Quesonnaire (FSQ)*
The FSQ gives students the opportunity to reect on their career-related knowledge
and skills. There are ve versions of the quesonnaire, allowing schools to assess the
skills and knowledge of the students as specic points of transion.
For more informaon on the FSQ speak to your Enterprise Coordinator or access
resources here.
* it is important to note FSQ is only available to Compass+ users
2. Sta
a. Evaluaon forms
Microso Forms - the link below will open a preview of the template; click the blue
“Duplicate it” buon in top right-hand corner of screen, a copy will then be created
for you to use as your own link
Google Forms – the link below will open a preview of the template; click the blue
“USE TEMPLATE” buon in top right-hand corner of screen, your own version to edit
and send out will then be created
Word Document version Appendix 2
b. Collecon methods
Survey evaluaon forms
Add the relevant survey link to the school/college’s intranet/Microso Teams or
similar if this is something your school has.
Send an internal email to sta with a link to the relevant survey asking colleagues to
Print copies of the word document version of the survey and leave in the sta room
for sta to complete returning to a suggeson box/pigeonhole or equivalent.
Sta meengs
Schedule a slot on department/cross-curricular meengs to discuss the careers
programme and collect feedback.
The quesons within the evaluaon forms can be used to guide these discussions.
Schedule a slot on whole school/college meengs to introduce yourself as the
Careers Leader and encourage sta to complete evaluaon forms, explaining the
importance of collecng feedback.
Incorporaon to sta CPD
Schedule a slot during sta CPD days and use as a focus group to have a discussion
about the careers programme collecng feedback.
Create groups and encourage sta to discuss the careers programme, using post-it
notes to collect feedback on what is working well, what could be improved and
quesons they have about careers.
3. Employers
a. Evaluaon forms
Microso Forms - the link below will open a preview of the template; click the blue
“Duplicate it” buon in top right-hand corner of screen, a copy will then be created
for you to use as your own link.
Google Forms – the link below will open a preview of the template; click the blue
“USE TEMPLATE” buon in top right-hand corner of screen, your own version to edit
and send out will then be created
Word Document version Appendix 3
b. Collecon methods
Enterprise Adviser
Use your Enterprise Adviser, asking them to complete the evaluaon form by either
sending them the relevant link or prinng a copy of the word document version for
Use your next partnership meeng with your Enterprise Adviser and Enterprise
Coordinator to discuss the careers programme and gather feedback, you can use the
quesons within the evaluaons to guide this discussion.
Other employers
For schools without an Enterprise Adviser, or those that would like to get further
employer feedback, the New Anglia Careers Hub can support with idenfying
employers who are experienced and willing to support with evaluaon of your
careers programme.
4. Parents and Carers
a. Evaluaon forms
Microso Forms - the link below will open a preview of the template; click the blue
“Duplicate it” buon in top right-hand corner of screen, a copy will then be created
for you to use as your own link
Google Forms – the link below will open a preview of the template; click the blue
“USE TEMPLATE” buon in top right-hand corner of screen, your own version to edit
and send out will then be created
Word Document version – Appendix 4
b. Collecon methods
Survey evaluaon forms
Add the relevant links to the parent/carers secon on the school/college website.
Send parents/carers the relevant link in communicaons from the school/college
such as, parent-mail and newsleers.
Print copies of the word document version of the evaluaon survey for teachers to
give to out at parent/carer evenings.
Print copies of the word document version of the evaluaon survey to distribute at
events such as, opons evenings and transion events.