• Does the business want to invest in the latest software and technology to help make
their internal processes significantly more productive and efficient.
• The business may want to invest in equipment that will significantly improve their
production or delivery methods through the use of novel or innovative digital
technologies and solutions
• The business may need support in protecting their ideas and unique products and
the grant can part-fund intellectual property costs such as patents.
Location of support
You must be classed as a small or medium enterprise (SME) and located within the
boundaries of Norfolk and Suffolk county council areas.
The following costs are not supported through this scheme:
• Vehicles of any description
• Premises costs, and that includes purchase as well as modifications
• Websites and digital support
• To meet statutory obligations
• Solar panels, insulation of premises, EV chargers, LED lighting or other energy
efficiency initiatives
• Those that benefit an individual such as enhancement of personal premises.
• Routine costs such as marketing, advertising, wages, stock purchases, insurances
• VAT, unless it is not recoverable.
• Any costs incurred before a grant offer is made;
• Items that are not directly needed to deliver the proposed work;
• The routine replacement of items and consumables. This would include upgrade of IT
• Project costs funded through other grant schemes.
• Travel, accommodation, and subsistence costs
• Where the beneficiary will not retain the supported assets or premises for more than
three years from date of payment of the grant.
The GTI can support most sectors, but the following are ineligible for support:
• Banking and insurance
• Agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture, forestry, fisheries and the primary production,
processing, and marketing of their products
• Schools, nurseries, and childcare facilities.
• Publicly funded bodies and statutory services, healthcare, and care homes.
• Religious or political organisations
• Energy generation and distribution
• Coal, steel, and shipbuilding
Accommodation sector
Please note that any support for the accommodation sector would require the business to
secure a new product or service that will attract new customers to the area and is not
available locally. The support should also realise an increase in its star rating.