- NAAME Conference on 9th February – 170 attendees.
- Hosted Indro Mukherjee, CEO of Innovate UK, at Adastral Park. Very successful visit where partners
landed key messaging. Agreement in principle for a Local Innovation Action Plan. Also, separate
conversations about initiatives at Adastral Park.
- Connected Innovation Conference took place at Adastral Park, which was well supported and launched
the new Space Cluster. George Freeman visited and was a keynote speaker as part of a wider cluster
visit on that day.
- Robotics Festival at the end of 2022 saw +1,000 people on site at Adastral Park. Intend to run
something very similar again in 2023 on sustainability.
Peter Brady, Orbital Media / Innovation Labs
- Innovation Labs – activated the pop-up programme – visiting CI Hubs and locations across East Suffolk
to deliver innovation / business support and showcase technologies – VR, AI, Immersive Technologies.
Promoting and driving programme.
- Innovation Labs Showcase at OrbisEnergy on 02 June 2023 10-4
- Engaging with DWP around a programme to get job seekers to use ILABS’ coworking spaces, network
with members and gain an understanding of entrepreneurship and innovation skills.
- MOT for the Over 50s – range of events to encourage them to engage with innovation and
entrepreneurship opportunities.
- Innovation and Skills Centre at Gateway 14. Great to see an innovation section carved out at this
development site. Business case has been approved in principle as part of the Freeport East geography.
Lots of innovation and technology we would like to integrate.
- Want to run research projects through the Centre including around pain therapy, building on research
expertise to date.
- Several members have taken on the grow-on space in Stowmarket which is healthy and always on the
lookout for new grow-on space to accommodate growth businesses.
Sarah Steed, Norwich University of the Arts
- Very active in Communication and Design with Norwich Research Park – work around Peas and how to
position nutraceuticals in a positive way. Led to more opportunities and born out of this board.
- Screen technology – Virtual Production studio bid into AHRC.
- Contacted to say that they have received a £1m investment to spend in six weeks to develop a
cylindrical LED screen 10m by 4m.
- Drive industrial R&D – full suite of virtual production facility and cylindrical LED screen.
- Looking at locations on campus and with Norwich City Council to locate this – given the size
- Holosys system – volumetric asset capture – AI manipulate those images. Wide range of industry
- Norwich will have an incredible overall offering, so the plan is to commercialise all of these
opportunities from day one and working with David Dukes and team around the inward investment
Darryl Newport, University of Suffolk (UOS)
- Interested in picking up a conversation with Sarah and Norwich University of the Arts around
collaboration opportunities.
- Director of Suffolk Sustainability Institute. Did a symposium two weeks’ ago around communication
and visualisation on climate change. Looked at sea level rise and air pollution, so Norwich University of
the Art’s project sounds very interesting.
- Project opportunity – resilient coastal communities. AAHRC and ESRC - working with both.
- New development in Gt Yarmouth – UOS facilities there. Keen to pick up with Ian and Johnathan
around how this can be utilised. Potential for dentistry to go in there.