Chris Starkie (CS) advised that the poultry group was cross county and would ensure it was
including the NFU. He noted that the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
was from the region.
Claire Cullens (CC) highlighted the ongoing labour shortages and asked whether more could
be done to support those wanting to get back into the industry.
CP advised that many companies, even larger ones, do not have a formal HR department
which was limiting recruitment and training.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report
Julian Munson (JM) advised that, since the last update to the Board in March 2022, the focus
has been on establishing the new ‘sector councils’ which will represent each part of the
energy sector with Chairs or Sub-Chairs taking a place on the All-Energy Industry Council.
This would result in an overall reduction in AEIC members but ensuring representation from
across the energy sector.
The AEIC will be relaunched early in 2023 with a new chair in place as Mark Goodall
completes his term.
JM noted the success of the Generate brand which has been used at major events to
promote the offer. The AEIC is in discussion with partners as to how this work can continue
in 2023/24.
The has been a focus on cross-sector innovation through a recent event supported by the
LEP’s Connected Innovation programme and delivered in partnership with Tech East and the
East Wind group. The ‘Off-Shore Wind meets Digital Tech’ event was held at OrbisEnergy
enabling businesses from across the two sectors to engage and explore potential
opportunities for collaboration.
JM confirmed that New Anglia LEP, Norfolk County Council and Suffolk County Council have
agreed to strengthen and formalise how they work together on sector-specific skills needs
across the region. This ‘Skills Hub’ partnership will help to utilise LEP and County Council
resources and capacity as effectively as possible in order to support the regional skills
agenda. The primary focus of the ‘Skills Hub’ partnership will be on workforce development
and in-work progression.
Mark Goodall (MG) highlighted the impact of increasing prices and noted that energy is facing
the same challenges as other sectors in skills and recruitment. He stressed the need to
ensure the industry was working closely with collages and training establishments.
Helen Langton (HL) noted the importance of forward planning to provide for long term skills
provision for the sector.
VG advised that it was still changing to get people into STEM even when the provision is
Johnathan Reynolds (JR) noted the ongoing issues around connectivity infrastructure and
advised there would be no further development after the current pipeline is completed unless
this is resolved.
JR advised that it is currently Wind Week with a major industry conference taking place on
Friday. The industry faces many challenges but there are also opportunities for the LEP to
play a key role in addressing them.
Matthew Hicks (MH) agreed with the connectivity issue and noted that, in spite of continued
pressure limited progress had been made and there was no long term planning,