Chris Starkie (CS) updated the board of the successful progress against the priorities
established for 2022 and presented the strategic priorities identified for 2023.
CS advised that the overarching strategic priority to develop a successful transition plan for
the LEP working with both county councils as the County Deals were implemented. He
highlighted the important role of private sector board members in this process and noted they
would be involved throughout the transition process which will need to ensure the assets of
the LEP are protected and utilised, as intended, to support the growth of the local economy.
CS reviewed the other ongoing priorities and provided detail of the work of the LEP in these
areas noting that the LEP would be focussing on delivering in these key areas:
1 Business support and innovation
2 Skills and the labour force
3 Support place
David Pomfret (DP) noted the importance of skills and highlighted the challenges in meeting
the skills requirements in emerging sectors. DP queried whether more could be done to
engage with businesses and provide innovative ways or tackling these issues and the LEP’s
USP in this area could be expended.
Helen Langton (HL) agreed with the overarching priority and expressed support for the aim of
delivering in a reduced scope in order to provide effective deliveries in key areas.
Johnathan Reynolds (JR) proposed incorporating Clean Growth in all LEP deliveries and also
agreed that the LEP should promote links between business and collages. He noted that
links will need to be made with other regions as the full supply chain requirements will not be
met by this region alone.
Pete Joyner (PJ) asked whether the LEP had the staff capacity to support ongoing work. CS
agreed there was capacity at the current time however the ongoing uncertainty meant that
there was always a risk of staff churn.
Andrew Proctor (AP) highlighted the challenges facing the care sector. CS confirmed that
one cohort from the peer to peer network was from this sector and it was important to work
with the Growth Hub to maintain support.
Kathy Atkinson (KA) suggested that this year the priorities many need to be reviewed more
regularly in the light of potential staff changes.
The Board agreed:
To note the content of the report