2. Increase the level public and private sector investment in innovation. Progress
update highlights include:
a. Continued support to the delivery of the Innovation Grant Mentoring
Scheme which provides tailored support for businesses bidding for innovation
funding e.g. Innovate UK. Good progress has been made with a number of
businesses supported with 1:1 mentoring, bid writing coaching and early-stage
concept mentoring. Bids have been progressed and submitted to Innovate UK
and other funding schemes. The LEP and partners Norfolk County Council and
Suffolk County Council continue to promote this important programme,
particularly via the Connected Innovation network. Although the LEP funding has
come to an end, both County Councils have agreed to continue to support,
enabling this important advice service to continue.
b. Promoting the Growth Through Innovation (GTI) grants scheme to help
support scale up and innovative businesses, with high level of take up of ERDF
funded grants ranging from £1-25K, administered via the LEP. A campaign
targeting key sector groups e.g. NAAME, and networks such as Connected
Innovation, helped increase applications during the remainder of 2022-23.
c. Continuing to support and promote the New Anglia Capital Group – an
angel co-investment programme which has created a network of angel investors
and an extensive portfolio of innovative businesses.
3. Support the innovation ecosystem in Norfolk and Suffolk, developing and
promoting innovation clusters. Progress update highlights include:
a. Continue to deliver the 2-Year Connected Innovation Programme to
strengthen the network of innovation hubs across Norfolk and Suffolk and
enhance cross-sector innovation and collaboration. Funded by the Norfolk
Strategic Fund and Suffolk Inclusive Growth Investment Fund. Updates include:
i. Connected Innovation Network has now grown to 24 innovation
hubs engaged and involved across Norfolk and Suffolk.
ii. Connected Innovation showcase event held on 10th March at
Adastral Park:
Over 150 delegates attended and heard from keynote speakers
including George Freeman MP, Minister of State, Science,
Innovation and Technology, Johnathan Reynolds, Chair of New
Anglia Innovation Board, and Dr Will Drury, Interim Executive
Director, Innovate UK.
A series of panel debate sessions also involved representatives
from across the Connected Innovation hubs network e.g. NRP,
BT, MENTA, Innovation Labs, Hethel Innovation, OrbisEnergy,
CEFAS, UEA and University of Suffolk.
Released a short video to showcase and highlight the LEP’s
Connected Innovation programme.
Launched the new Norfolk and Suffolk Innovation Prospectus
iii. Delivered cross-sector tech challenge events, with delivery
partner Tech East, including offshore wind, financial services and
manufacturing. As a result of a Fintech workshop event, a
successful bid to the Norfolk Investment Framework fund, led by
Tech East, will enable further development of the fintech cluster.
iv. Support and promote a range of Innovation Hub events activity
including the Enterprise Wednesday event at Norwich Research
Park, SpaceTech meets AgriTech (with AgriTech E), Algae