CD updated the committee that only one application had been received from Suffolk County Council and
Chamber of Commerce. Costs on the project were deemed to be high and further assessment was
required of the application. This will come back to the committee in September.
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the update.
CD tabled a paper on a potential clawback on a Growing Business Fund grant to Lifeline.
Committee commented as follows:
Lifeline have offered to pay back 50% of the grant they received.
Clawback will return to UK Treasury, not the LEP
Is legal pursuit of the matter tenable if no financial return occurs to LEP.
A principle exists of this not being the legitimate use of the grant.
Assurance was needed from building owner that tenant is being offered a peppercorn rent.
The Committee agreed:
For LEP Exec to go back to grant recipient, to request sight of the lease, and to accept current 50%
clawback offer if rent is confirmed as peppercorn