meeting fatigue. It was also noted that many places were doing similar
events and that more could be done to collaborate and collectively lead in
order to offer more regional cohesion.
ACTION – reach out to other organisers
It was also noted that perhaps we ought to focus our efforts on giving practical
stuff to do – workshops etc. if we were to do similar in the future. Opergy are
working with BEIS and DLUHC through LGA – note that Growth Hubs are not
currently geared up in this way and that the Shared Prosperity Fund was
unlikely to offer an avenue for delivery at this stage.
It was agreed that we need to enable businesses by offering information and
supporting them to make change in a practical way – may include funding.
5. Net Zero – the UKPN perspective
Neil Madgwick, UKPN attended and updated with respect to future planning
for investment through RIIO-ED2 (2028) including the electrification of the
economy for which OFGEM have agreed. New network capacity will double
during this period, but customer bills will go down. Many more connection
requests for solar, EVs, batteries etc. being seen and a less risk adverse
approach with most being approved without additional data. Heat pumps will
help smart systems with the impact on grid potentially less than traditional
Renewable energy opportunities are increasing but wind offers flexibility
challenges – 5.5GW generation currently in our region with a further 9GW
planned. Peak demand for region 6.6GW so a ‘self-sustaining region’.
Transmission networks seeing increases in generation capacity too.
6. Innovation diffusion in net zero and working together
Emma McKenna and Phoebe Machin attended from Innovate UK KTN to
describe their cross-sector approach to net zero focussed on place – looking
at diffusion across the wider economy. Emma described their focus on clean
power, heating/cooling, mobility, manufacturing/re-use and agri-food and their
programme approach of awareness, opportunity, transformation and
Innovate UK are working on their net zero living programme currently which
has opportunities for mobility, while Ellen noted a recent bid to the Norfolk
Investment Framework focussed on agri-food industrial decarbonisation.
7. Road to Net Zero Business Support Programme – Evaluation
Rob from S4W outlined his thoughts on the evaluation of the Road to Net
Zero Business Support Programme starting by saying that