Norfolk and Suffolk Clean Growth Taskforce
Meeting Note
10am, Wednesday 5th October 2022
In attendance:
Will Bridgman Warren Services
Simon Burckitt Aviva
Ali Clabburn Liftshare
Kate Dixon Muntons
Ellen Goodwin New Anglia LEP
Ned Harrison Suffolk Climate Change, Energy and Environment
Denise Hone Vattenfall
Andrew Lovett UEA
Darryl Newport University of Suffolk
Naresh Pandit UEA
Simon Papworth New Anglia LEP
Candy Richards Federation of Small Businesses
Andrew Wheeler West Suffolk College
Dayle Bayliss Dayle Bayliss Ltd.
Genevieve Christie Firstlight Festival
Lorraine Gore Norfolk Climate Change Partnership
Pete Joyner New Anglia LEP Board
Jill Korwin Suffolk Climate Change, Energy and Environment
Johnathan Reynolds New Anglia LEP Board
In Pete’s absence Ellen offered to Chair the meeting.
Welcome and introductions
The Taskforce welcomed new attendees and recognised changing membership with
respect to Suffolk LAs, digital/ICT and construction in particular.
Declarations of interest
Declarations – none
ACTION – all to complete details as necessary
Minutes and matter arising
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed. All matters arising were agreed as
either covered by agenda or redundant
ACTION – upload signed off minutes to the website
Best Practise and Barriers on the Road to Net Zero
Prof. Naresh Pandit from UEA and Prof. Darryl Newport from the University of
Suffolk attended the meeting to update the Taskforce on their work looking at Best
Practise and Barriers on the Road to Net Zero.
The report concludes the following:
“This report identifies a Net Zero information and knowledge deficit which poses a
significant barrier to decarbonisation action. An easy to access Net Zero regional
repository of resources and signposted support would assist in reducing this barrier.
Such awareness-raising, particularly among SMEs, should be a priority for policy-
makers and this can be supported by improved marketing communications and
incentives for Net Zero education, training, and skills development. Regulatory
requirements for SMEs, which have been effective among larger companies, also
need serious central government policy commitment.
Strategic planning for Net Zero, particularly among SMEs, requires urgent support
and development. A strategic planning process is required across the SME
population. This involves making a commitment to Net Zero, perhaps by declaring a
climate emergency, setting measurable Net Zero targets, and then forming a
programme of related actions to achieve those targets. Very importantly, this
strategy should not be produced independently of overall strategy. Instead, in order
to be credible and effective, it should form part of overall strategy. Local and central
government, collective organisations such as trade associations and chambers of
commerce, education and skills providers such as universities and further education
colleges, and exemplar peers all have a role to play in helping SMEs to define and
improve strategic planning on the road to Net Zero.
This report also identifies a need for greater regional cohesion in terms of the
management and leadership of the Net Zero agenda. This is particularly important
for companies that feel excluded within their sector, or across the rural-urban divide
and have yet to take their first serious step towards making a commitment or taking
action. Greater cohesion will also strengthen the region’s lobbying power nationally
when competing for scarce Net Zero funding. Knowledge exchange workshops,
active listening, placemaking, branding, and a cluster-based development are all
means to improve cohesion.
ACTION – Ellen to send report
Andrew Lovett suggested the Energy Systems Catapult place-based net zero
toolkit and the Greater South East Net Zero Hub
Ned Harrison commented on the regional repository idea stating that although
messaging comes through many channels, the Carbon Charter framework is
often consistently used.
Will Bridgman commented that “you only get what you inspect” shows that
motivation is not always simply legislative. However, businesses need help in
terms of understanding how to measure scopes 1 and 2 in particular. Ali
Clabburn suggested that sometimes scope 3 transport emissions are the most
significant area so emissions need to be thought about in the round. A simple
system wide approach is needed when looking at impact. Companies House
reporting could support measurement consistency.
Candy Richards observed similar report findings to that of a recent FSB report
– information and cost barriers – government role recommendation – strategic
approach critical.
Importance of local examples of best practise – need to go to business!
Roadshow idea…
Need to target those who aren’t engaged – add to other agendas.
Need to think about net zero supply chains with respect to large scale
infrastructure planning/development i.e. Sizewell C.
DNO relationship needs to be reinformed if we are looking at larger scale
ACTION – all to spread message about opportunities
ACTION – Ellen to follow up with Ned with respect to scope 1 and 2
ACTION – Ellen to consider report dissemination – sector groups/roadshows etc.
ACTION – engage with UKPN with respect to strategic planning
LEP Board feedback
ACTION – need to consider Alternative Fuel Strategy next steps.
Industrial Decarbonisation in Norfolk and Suffolk
ACTION – Ellen to follow up with Warren Services who have some thoughts in this
Clean Growth for Business Events
Road to Net Zero Business Support Programme