Selection of outcomes
23 employers / 25 apprentices
supported with grants
38 companies directly supported
with bespoke digital skills
training programme
VHS roll out across 5 towns
(BMS) with 400+ companies
signed up with add’l business
support provided
Creative industries sector
supported with physical space,
14 companies with bespoke
support leading to new job
creation AND underpinned
successful DCMS CREATE bid
Space / innovation hubs for businesses set up
Southwold (in progress)
Eye (in progress)
Providing hot desking space & direct access to
business support
Underpinned by wider S/N Connected
Innovation project with coordinator post
Redevelopment of music production
facilities in Ipswich / major expansion of
outreach & workforce programmes of
support (29 jobs created / safeguarded),
further 272 people upskilled and 50
kickstarts supported.
Linked to establishment of major new
music venue (The Church) in Ipswich
town centre forecast to generate
significant economic impact.
Local markets & events
supported in all West towns,
rolling programme across East
towns with greater impact
achieved through joining up /
matched funds