Norfolk and Suffolk Clean Growth Taskforce
Meeting note
10am, Wednesday 6th July 2022, Teams
In attendance
Will Bridgman Warren Services: advanced manufacturing & engineering
Ali Clabburn Liftshare: transport
Kate Dixon Muntons: agri-food
Ellen Goodwin New Anglia LEP
Pete Joyner New Anglia LEP (Board) and visitor economy
Jill Korwin Suffolk Climate Change, Environment and Energy Board
Andrew Lovett UEA
Candy Richards FSB
David Walton Suffolk Climate Change, Environment and Energy Board
Dayle Bayliss Dayle Bayliss Ltd: construction
Lorraine Gore Norfolk Climate Change Partnership
Johan Neethling Rainbird: digital/ICT
Lisa Roberts New Anglia LEP
Nikos Savvas West Suffolk College: FE Principals
1. Welcome and declarations
Pete welcomed Kate from Muntons as a new member of the Taskforce.
Kate noted Muntons ‘big push’ since 2007 and stated that they’re 87% of the way to
their net zero target.
ACTION – Ellen to follow up registers of interest
2. Minutes and matter arising
The Taskforce agreed the minutes of the last meeting and were updated on the
following actions
Sub-board meeting – yet to be scheduled
Evidence and impact – evidence pathway – based on our ability to influence
Skills – ongoing – will come back to the Taskforce in due course.
3. Terms of reference
The Taskforce agreed the updated terms of reference
ACTION – Ellen to update the website
4. Point Source Emitter Feedback – British Sugar
Will, Jill and Candy each gave their view on their trip to Wissington on 13 June.
Observations included:
Circular economy in action with respect to waste in particular. CO2 not as
bigger focus but recognise its importance given the energy needed to
generate the necessary heat to process sugar beet. Electricity export
constrained by grid capacity
Lorry movements – 1,500 a day during the campaign – relatively small
distances travelled – consider electricity to be the most viable short-term
Minimum operational staff needed so skills in high-demand – resilience
therefore challenging
Opportunities for anaerobic digestion, vertical farming, biomethane
production, carbon capture and clean heat. Support requested with respect to
regulation alignment and broader government engagement
Keen to learn and share knowledge within a wider business community
Importance of co-benefits – tangibility of making the change becoming more
and more important
ACTION – follow up with other emitters and each other to develop networking
ACTION – Will to contact Palm Paper and others in the Group to consider how they
could support engagement too
5. Collaboration and Leadership – November Events
Pete presented the paper and highlighted the 4 key objectives: sharing knowledge,
quick wins and long-term gains, call to arms and work together and innovation
Observations included:
Big business AND SMEs are the focus so need to think about a modular and
targeted objective approach in order to engage as many as possible
Other events: Norwich BID – 20 October, Low Carbon Homes – October,
NAAME event – 26 October
Possible speakers: Andy Wood, Corinne Le Quere
Pre-event short audit to understand what people would like to see – current
UEA research can feed into this thinking
Not just LEP/Taskforce focussed – others to get involved i.e. Carbon Charter
to align with COP27: Egypt which runs 7 - 18 November
ACTION – written update to be provided ahead of the next Taskforce in October
6. Road to Net Zero Business Support Programme
Ellen updated the Taskforce on the Programme, most elements of which are running
smoothly. One area of challenge is the consultancy element which has seen a slow
take up. The Taskforce suggested a different approach to the consultancy for time-
pressured businesses
ACTION – programme team to consider
ACTION – Ellen to circulate interim evaluation
7. LEP Board Report
ACTION – Decarbonisation Academy – need to explain
8. AOB
BUsiness Transition TO Net Zero (BUTTONZ)
David asked a question about ongoing business support thinking with respect to
ACTION – Ellen to follow up