Norfolk and Suffolk Clean Growth Taskforce
Wednesday 5th October 2022
Agenda Item 7
Industrial Decarbonisation in Norfolk and Suffolk
This paper seeks to update the Taskforce on introductory discussions the LEP and the County
Councils have had with BEIS with respect the Industrial Decarbonisation.
ï‚· Provide a steer with respect to industrial decarbonisation in Norfolk and Suffolk and
any potential pilot proposition.
The point source emitters for Norfolk and Suffolk are included in Appendix B. This shows
that 90% of all of the emissions from ‘point sources’ in Norfolk and Suffolk are from the top 9
locations as follows:
Local Authority
Great Yarmouth Power Station RWE Generation UK plc Great Yarmouth
Wissington British Sugar Plc KL&WN
Bury St Edmunds British Sugar Plc West Suffolk
Kings Lynn Power Station Centrica K L Limited KL&WN
Saddlebow Paper Mill Palm Paper Limited KL&WN
Ipswich Suez Recycling and Recovery Mid Suffolk
Bacton Terminal 3 PERENCO UK LIMITED North Norfolk
Cantley British Sugar Plc Broadland
Bacton Interconnector (UK) Limited North Norfolk
Conversations are ongoing with the relevant local authorities to understand the current
position and their discussions with these point source emitters to ensure collaborative join
up: a key ambition of the Taskforce.
Initial discussions have taken place with British Sugar and Suez and meetings are currently
being sought with RWE, Perenco and Interconnector.
Industrial Decarbonisation
The Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy focuses on 6 national clusters: Grangemouth,
Humberside, Merseyside, South Wales, Southampton and Teeside;
Each of these locations has its own ‘plan’ with respect to Industrial Decarbonisation.
BEIS approached the New Anglia LEP and Norfolk County Council in the first instance to
discuss industrial decarbonisation in locations outside these clusters or as the Strategy
refers to them: dispersed clusters. We believe the initial approach was based on the fact
that many of the larger point source emitters listed above are located in Norfolk.
The introductory call was joined by Suffolk County Council at the request to New Anglia LEP
and sought to consider what a ‘plan’ for Norfolk and Suffolk might look like.
The meeting agreed to begin to scope out thinking with respect to our strategic opportunities
and any key themes coming out of discussion with point source emitters. It was also
considered that thinking needed to broaden out to include other key industrial/commercial
locations as well as key projects being advanced in the region i.e. Freeport East.
While thinking is still very much in the early phases members of the Taskforce are asked for
their thoughts/input into this workstream with respect to a potential pilot proposition.
ï‚· Provide a steer with respect to industrial decarbonisation in Norfolk and Suffolk and
any potential pilot proposition.
APPENDIX A – Point Source Emitters (2019)
APPENDIX A - Point Source Emitters (2019)
1. Cumulative figure is the percentage of all point source emitters
2. RAG rating is based on trends 2016-2019 following the following parameters:
a. Red - increase of more than 10%
b. Amber - 10% increase to 10% decline
c. Green - decline of more than 10%
Great Yarmouth Power Station RWE Generation UK plc 36.8%
Wissington British Sugar Plc 50.6%
Bury St Edmunds British Sugar Plc 62.2%
Kings Lynn Power Station Centrica K L Limited 68.5%
Saddlebow Paper Mill Palm Paper Limited 74.3%
Ipswich Suez Recycling And Recovery 79.6%
Bacton Terminal 3 PERENCO UK LIMITED 83.8%
Cantley British Sugar Plc 87.8%
Bacton Interconnector (UK) Limited 90.4%
Bury St Edmunds Maltings Pauls Malt Limited 91.7%
Cedar Maltings Muntons plc 92.7%
Great Ryburgh Maltings Crisp Malting Group Limited 93.5%
Norwich District Heating and CHP University of East Anglia 94.1%
Bacton Terminal 2 SHELL U.K. LIMITED 94.8%
Station Road Banham Poultry Ltd 95.3%
Norwich Briar Chemicals Limited 95.8%
Halesworth Bernard Matthews Foods 96.2%
Lowestoft Birds Eye Limited 96.6%
King's Lynn PIL MEMBRANES LTD 97.1%
Watton Cranswick Country Foods 97.4%
Haverhill International Flavours and Fragrances 97.8%
NNUH Serco Limited 98.4%
Bury St Edmunds Mizkan Euro Ltd 98.6%
RAF Marham MoD 98.8%
Ipswich Asphalt Tarmac Trading Limited 98.9%
Wattisham Airfield Ministry of Defence 99.1%
RAF Honington Ministry of Defence 99.3%
Westgate Brewery Greene King Brewing and Retailing Ltd 99.4%
Eye 1Stop Halal Limited 99.6%
Adastral Park BT Plc 99.7%
Sizewell B EDF Energy 99.8%
Thetford Fibrothetford Ltd 99.9%
Kings Lynn Compressor Station National Grid Gas Plc 99.9%
Diss Compressor Station National Grid Gas Plc 99.9%
Eye Fibropower Ltd 100.0%
Thetford Epr Thetford Limited 100.0%
Bulmer Sudbury Bulmer Brick & Tile Co Ltd 100.0%
Eye EPR Eye Limited 100.0%