Claire Cullens (CC) presented the board with an overview of the SAP’s main achievements
since the last board update including details on the evidence base which was commissioned
and which now provides a clear starting point for activities for all partners on which to build.
CC noted the key changes in the skills environment explaining that Local Skills Improvement
Plans (LSIPS) are part of a Government plan to give local businesses a stronger voice in
skills planning and advised that the Norfolk Chamber is leading on the local plan and the
Local Skills report will be the starting point for discussions.
CC advised that funding of SAPs has been reduced with nothing further expected and the
remining funding would be used to focus on two key objectives:
To produce and make available robust analysis of skills needs and the local labour
Work collaboratively with the Chambers to develop the LSIP
CC highlighted the main skills challenges:
• Building a life-long learning culture
• Increase in higher-value jobs and upskilling/reskilling of the local workforce
• Harnessing opportunities provided by ICT
• Increasing performance at school, particularly in our areas of deprivation
• Supporting entry points and progression into Health & Social Care
• Increasing training in leadership and management
CC provided an overview of the Shared Prosperity Fund and noted that funds have been
allocated to Norfolk and Suffolk to improve numeracy.
CC also advised that £1m has been secured for Skills Bootcamps to support 240 learners and
the tender is currently open for providers. Funding has only just been confirmed and
timescales are challenging with 50% of learners required to start by September.
Moving forwards CC stressed that it is important to ensure there is a core team able to act
rapidly to take advantage of opportunities. Collaboration continues to be vital both in terms of
working with partners and listening to the challenges being voiced across the region.
CC advised that it was clear what works well for the SAP and what challenges were faced
therefore it was vital to keep momentum going and not wait for a new structure to evolve.