New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Board
Wednesday 27th July 2022
Agenda Item xxx
Clean Growth Taskforce Update
Author: Ellen Goodwin Presenter: Pete Joyner, Ellen Goodwin
This paper provides an update on the Clean Growth Taskforce, a sub-group of New Anglia
LEP and considers next steps with respect the delivery now that the Taskforce has an
established action plan.
The Board is invited to:
note the contents of the report
offer strategic direction to the Taskforce
The Clean Growth Taskforce had its inaugural meeting on 22 July 2021 after the LEP Board
agreed its scope at its May 2022 meeting. The main purpose of the Clean Growth Taskforce
was agreed as follows:
“To provide leadership and collaboration on net zero. Promoting Norfolk and Suffolk as the
UK’s Clean Growth Region helping to raise the profile of the major contribution the area
plays in the UK’s transition to a post carbon economy, representing the area national,
regionally and locally.”
Membership includes representatives from each of the LEP’s Advisory Boards and Norfolk
and Suffolk’s key sectors as well as representations from education and each of the
County’s Climate Change Partnership Groups, representing Local Authorities. Members of
the Taskforce are all representatives of their industry sector or community of interests.
This paper sets out what the Taskforce has achieved over the first year of existence and
sets the framework for delivery moving forward.
Delivery and key achievements over the last year
One of the first things the Taskforce did was to reflect of the scale of net zero challenge and
clean growth opportunity and think about developing a shared ambition for Norfolk and
Suffolk. In doing so it looked at the areas where emissions were significant, where progress
had been made and the make-up of the Norfolk and Suffolk economy with respect to not
only emissions but clean growth opportunities too. It looked at the updated data for the work
the LEP commissioned in 2019 and sought to find focus in terms of potential impact moving
The Taskforce helped shape the definition of clean growth as presented in the Norfolk and
Suffolk Economic Strategy:
Growing an environmentally positive and resilient economy by exploiting the region’s
strengths, driving the adoption of clean technology, enhancing natural capital, and reducing
waste, accelerating sustainable infrastructure, equipping and empowering business and
people to take advantage of the opportunities in moving to a zero-carbon economy
Its initial focus has been determined as:
Leadership and collaboration – be Ambassadors for the Clean Growth region
Evidence and impact – oversee the development of Clean Growth evidence and impact
Decarbonising Transport – influence the development of the Alternative Fuel Strategy and
Action Plan and its subsequent delivery
Transition Business Support – work with the Business Growth Programme Partnership
Board to oversee the delivery of the Road to Net Zero Business Support Programme and
any wider clean growth programme embedment
Workforce for the Future – work with the Skills Advisory Panel to shape the
Decarbonisation Academy proposal and the wider clean growth skills agenda
Leadership and collaboration
The Taskforce have been quite clear that they want to develop a succinct key message and
clear call to action. However, given the importance of an evidence-based approach and the
complexity of future modelling alongside the need to focus on reach and influence it has
proved challenging to achieve without engaging a broader spectrum of key stakeholders.
Members of the Taskforce have also made it clear that they need to collectively add value to
the vast array of effort already taking place in the region and as such much time and effort
has been placed on trying to map out activity in this sphere.
Evidence and impact
The main criticality that the Taskforce has determined with respect to this strand of work has
been the importance of a strategic, emissions-led approach to clean growth evidence and
impact. To date this thinking has been quite far reaching and while it has been difficult to
settle on any clear conclusions to date, in that the spectrum of consideration is quite
considerable, the peer challenge the Taskforce has offered has led to a deepening of
intelligence in this space.
One area the Taskforce has identified as a clear area for focus is engaging with the large
point source emitters of which 9 exploratory conversations have been sought to date.
Conversations have begun to determine appetite for best practise sharing and peer-to-peer
learning as well as how we can support in the delivery of their decarbonisation plans. Local
authority engagement occurred ahead of business conversations, the first of which took
place on 13 June at British Sugar’s Wissington site.
Update after meeting with British Sugar
Decarbonising Transport
The key output of this strand of work has been the Alternative Fuels Strategy – see item xxx
Transition Business Support
The Clean Growth Taskforce has overseen the delivery of the UK Government’s Community
Renewal Funded Road to Net Zero Business Support Programme. The Programme (Norfolk
£660K, Suffolk £520k) is a pilot initiative designed to pro-actively pivot business support and
grants on a net zero future, building business advice expertise, and developing a portfolio of
tested interventions. The Programme will now run to the end of the calendar year with a
Programme update report to the LEP Board scheduled for July.
As part of the Programme the Taskforce has contributed to the research piece led by
University of East Anglia and the University of Suffolk looking at sectoral barriers to
Workforce for the Future
The Taskforce has started to scope out the clean/green skills element of work by referring to
work already taking place across the FE sector in particular. It has also considered the
impact of BREXIT and covid as well as the challenges around traditional monitoring of jobs
not being conducive to the broad spectrum of ‘clean’. More needs to be done to establish
what good might like for Norfolk and Suffolk and how this compares to other similar areas
across the country.
Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy
The Economic Strategy for Norfolk and Suffolk highlights the urgent need to transition to a
decarbonised future and grow a clean economy that protects and restores natural capital
and provides a more resilient, inclusive future for all.
It also draws attention to Norfolk and Suffolk as an established and growing low carbon
economy at the forefront of tackling the challenges and opportunities of climate change. The
area is a major research and innovation centre and has business strengths in adaptation
which present significant cross-sector opportunities for the UK’s transition to net zero.
Specifically, Norfolk and Suffolk:
Is the UK’s leading producer of clean energy. It is at the forefront of the Southern
North Sea transition and has further potential for bioenergy, hydrogen and energy
storage industries, and a strong low carbon goods and services offer.
Has expertise in satellite applications and Artificial Intelligence (AI) which will benefit
offshore wind, nuclear, precision farming, construction, manufacturing, health and
social care, and the visitor economy.
Is ripe to further test cross-sector innovation in industries such as farming and food
production, transportation and construction where exponential transformation is
The Strategy notes that there are economic and societal advantages for businesses,
communities and places who emerge as leaders, from new markets to new, higher paid jobs
and improved public health and commits to remaining at the forefront of tackling the
challenges and opportunities of climate change.
Looking Ahead
Leadership and collaboration
We will deliver a Local Leaders event to support the development of an evidence-based
ambition. The preparation of this will include stakeholder mapping and will be designed to
build clean growth momentum in the Norfolk and Suffolk economy and begin to drive the
embedment we need for change.
Evidence and impact
We will develop a deliverable, local evidence-based ambition and further develop point
source emitter engagement/networking, looking at clusters as well as potential future
Decarbonising Transport
See item xxx
Transition Business Support
Widen business support offer and consider cluster interventions and potential ESG payback.
Deliver an additional Clean Growth for Business programme of events building on the
successes of 2020’s online events.
Workforce for the Future
Investigate how inward investment and technology/innovation can be brought into the
conversations alongside skills.
The Board is invited to:
note the contents of the report
offer strategic direction to the Taskforce
APPENDIX A – sub-board reporting – June 2022
Appendix A - Sub- Board Reporting
Clean Growth Taskforce
LEP Board:
Pete Joyner
LEP Team:
Ellen Goodwin
Meeting Frequency:
Key Objectives
& link to NSES
Update on
actions / activity
Next Steps
Leadership and Collaboration
Be Ambassadors for the Clean Growth
Develop a succinct key message and clear call to action reflecting
on businesses understanding
Deliver a Local Leaders event to support the development of an
evidence-based ambition
Determine how to better link with Local Authority ambition at a
regional and local level
Evidence and Impact
Oversee the development of Clean
Growth evidence and impact
Develop a strategic, emissions-led approach to clean growth
evidence and impact
Work with large businesses/point source emitters to establish best
practise and peer-to-peer learning
Develop a deliverable, local evidence
based ambition
Decarbonising Transport
Influence the development of the
Alternative Fuel Strategy/Action Plan and
its subsequent delivery
Deliver the Alternative Fuel Strategy for East Anglia and consider
what next moving forward
Consider how a wider ‘place’ brief might be included – all
infrastructure, unique local features and links to the wider economy
Transition Business Support
Oversee the delivery of the Road to Net
Zero Business Support Programme and
wider programme embedment
Deliver the Road to Net Zero Business Support Programme and
order to shape future programmes
Understand the breadth of green initiatives to provide tailored
business advice, support and signposting
Work with other business intermediaries to better coordinate clean
growth messaging
Workforce for the Future
Shape the Decarbonisation Academy
proposal and the wider clean growth
skills agenda
Develop the Decarbonisation Academy proposal working with key
Continue to improve the links between the private/education sector
to maximise impact
Further develop labour market information to embed clean growth
and ensure understand