Appendix A – Terms of Reference for Clean Growth Taskforce – 2022 review
Purpose of
To provide leadership and collaboration on Clean Growth and Net Zero.
Promoting Norfolk and Suffolk as the UK’s Clean Growth Region helping
to raise the profile of the major contribution the area plays in the UK’s
transition to a post carbon economy, representing the area nationally,
regionally, and locally. To drive the shared ambition for a clean and
inclusive economic recovery growth that tackles the challenges and
opportunities of climate change.
Functions: Members of the Taskforce will be expected to:
i. Attend meetings, contribute ideas, experience, expertise, and resource
as considered appropriate, and gather views from colleagues in
respective groups, industries or organisations.
ii. Oversee the development of the key areas of focus further developing
the delivery plan and engaging relevant partners to securing their buy in
to deliver the actions, through respective groups and networks.
iii. Provide direction to creating a clean growth evidence baseline that
identifies and recommends to the LEP board the areas of focus that the
biggest gains can be achieved, and which actions will be focused on.
iv. Promote Norfolk and Suffolk as the UK’s Clean Growth Region helping
to raise the profile of the major contribution the area plays in the UK’s
transition to a post carbon economy, representing the area national,
regionally and locally. As above
v. Ensure clean growth is embedded in the discussion, actions and
decisions of your respective groups, reporting back to the Taskforce as
vi. Recommend or source appropriate experts to inform certain aspects of
the delivery plan, convene working groups as appropriate and consult with
sector peers as agreed within the Taskforce under the direction of the
vii. Oversee the development and agree robust ways of measuring and
monitoring the impact of interventions and actions, making
recommendations to the LEP board on any relevant targets or pledges.
viii. provide the LEP Board with six monthly progress reports.
ix. Annually, bring together the wider network of clean growth champions
to share knowledge and best practice and hold regional partners to
The Taskforce would have an independent chair and be accountable to