Growing Business Fund Performance Report - 31 March 2022
Programme Overview - What is the Growing Business Fund?
What is the overall Programme Status?
Finance Green
Outputs Green
Delivery Green
What are our key updates?
The LEP has used its freedoms and flexibilities to move the unallocated spend to other grant schemes resulting in a zero end of project balance.
What is our financial position?
Financials (£ million)
Year 2013 to 2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 Total
Profile Spend (£m) £12.000 £3.536 £3.050 £5.096 £4.121 £2.790 £3.939 £34.532
Actual Spend (£m) £11.999 £3.001 £3.049 £4.764 £2.533 £2.815 £3.428 £31.590
Remaining Spend (£m) £0.001 £0.535 £0.001 £0.331 £1.588 -£0.025 £0.511 £0.511
What is our contribution to the Economic Strategy?
ctual to end of
March 2022 Monthly Change Shortfall Notes
£4,043,814 £2,554,725 £0 £1,489,089
£16,175,256 £25,287,107 £0 -£9,111,851
200 194.5 0.0 6
£3,939,883 £3,428,255 £180,996 £511,628
£8,600,000 £31,861,965 £668,320 -£23,261,965
107 246.0 7.0 -139
What is the project status?
Number of
Total Project
Jobs to be
3 £235,899 £1,018,543 £1,254,442 58.0
1 £100,000 £1,654,600 £1,754,600 10.0
160 £18,102,048 £124,463,940 £142,565,988 1834.5
6 £520,000 £2,166,000 £2,686,000 38.5
25 £2,453,199 £14,748,790 £17,201,989 251.5
30 £3,170,677 £55,251,088 £58,421,765 406.5
10 £1,002,601 £6,016,625 £7,019,226 114.0
5 £372,000 £2,342,138 £2,714,138 45.5
11 £753,200 £3,792,342 £4,545,542 76.0
1 £30,000 £79,425 £109,425 3.0
1 £100,000 £232,500 £345,000 10.0
27 £3,261,866 £21,097,193 £24,359,059 317.6
20 £1,660,100 £9,434,097 £11,094,197 200.0
1 £20,000 £102,191 £122,191 4.0
1 £31,580 £126,320 £157,900 3.5
8 £502,921 £3,159,776 £3,662,697 55.5
2 £320,000 £4,737,413 £5,057,413 32.0
312 £32,636,091 £250,422,981 £283,071,572 3,460.1
What are the next steps?
Since its inception the Growing Business Fund has created 2,572 jobs and this year a further 90 full time jobs to be created
Pipeline is now complete
Launched in April 2013, the Growing Business Fund provides grants for businesses to enable growth, an increase productivity and job creation.
Capital grants are available between £25,000 and £250,000 are provided at up to 20% of project costs for SMEs.
Funding for the Growing Business Fund is provided on an annual basis by the LEP, this year we began with £2.15m, and has been further topped up to £3,939,883
The fund is accessed through the New Anglia Growth Hub with Due Diligence undertaken by Finance East and agreed by a GBF panel which meets monthly as required .
This financial year the scheme has defrayed to date £2,578,246 and there is a commitment of £1,361,637
This PPR represents the final report on the Growing Business Fund, now closed to new applicants. The balance of funding remaining at the end of 2021/22 year was managed through
LEP sub programmes under Growth Deal freedom and flexibilities arrangements
Value of grants approved
Value of private sector match approved
Number of New Jobs to be Created
Value of grants claimed
J - Information and Communication
Private sector match funding drawn down
B - Mining and Quarrying
F - Construction
G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
H - Transportation and Storage
The following table shows grants approved by sector since the start of the programme in 2013/14
Number of New Jobs Created
A - Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
Despite COVID-19, this was still the LEP flagship grant scheme and continued to attract interest until the final days before the grant closed to any new applications. .
Any pipeline of interested businesses have been referred to other grant opportunities provided either by the LEP or partners.
The GBF panel approved their last 4 applications during January 2022; the chairman had been in position throughout the duration of the Grant our thanks go to Mike Burrows
Outputs April 2021 to March 2022
GBF remained successful to the very end, it was still the main growth grant available to businesses in Suffolk and Norfolk.
As the scheme has now closed, the LEP is working with SCC and other partners to monitor the impact of the scheme.
K - Financial and Insurance Activities
S - Other Service Activities
I - Accommodation and Food Service Activities
N - Administrative and Support Service Activities
L - Real Estate Activities
M - Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities
P - Education
Q - Human Health and Social Work Activities
R - Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
C - Manufacturing
E - Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
Q1‐21/22 Q2‐21/22 Q3‐21/22 Q4‐21/22
QuarterlyForecast £0.702 £0.705 £1.405 £0.605
QuarterlySpend £0.702 £0.668 £1.209 £0.850
Variance £0.000 £0.037 £0.196 ‐£0.245