Appendix 1
New Anglia LEP Scheme of Delegation
The New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership is company limited by guarantee, with
18 voluntary directors, supported by a full-time executive team.
This scheme of delegation sets out the main responsibilities and functions of the
organisation and the level to which they have been delegated.
The scheme of delegation is part of a suite of LEP governance documents including:
Local Assurance Framework, Articles of Association, terms of reference for sub-
boards and sub-committees, and agreement between Suffolk County Council
(accountable body) and the LEP.
The scheme of delegation is reviewed annually and changes require board approval.
Any decision taken in contravention of this scheme of delegation will be deemed
Key responsibilities of the LEP Board
The board is responsible for:
• Approving the strategic direction of the LEP
• Agreeing clear objectives to focus activity and drive ambition
• Ensuring the LEP runs efficiently and effectively with appropriate controls in
place covering performance, finance and risk
• Upholding the values, ethos and culture of the organisation
Key responsibilities of the Accountable Body:
• The Section 151 Officer or their appointed deputy is a core member of the
Audit and Risk Committee.
• The Section 151 Officer is accountable for approving all Growth Deal and
Getting Building Fund grant agreements, and delegates authority to a suitable
team member for approval of grants awarded under other LEP programmes.
Last Updated: March 2022, confirmed at the LEP Board on 30th March 2022.