Norfolk and Suffolk Clean Growth Taskforce
2pm, Wednesday 9th March 2022
2.00 1. Welcome and introductions
Pete Joyner
2.00 2. Declarations of interest Pete Joyner
2.00 3. Minutes and matters arising
Conflict of interest forms to be completed
Pete Joyner
2.05 4. Defining the ambition and its delivery
To receive an update on evidence/impact
To agree the ‘deliverable ambition’ statement
To shape a local stakeholder event to affect buy-in
To determine timelines for action plan delivery
Any updates from the Taskforce
Pete Joyner
2.45 5. Alternative Fuel Strategy
To receive the Strategy and recommend its approval to
the LEP Board – to follow
Richard Riley,
Element Energy
3.20 6. The Road to Net Zero Business Support Programme
Research discussion on barriers to decarbonisation led
by UEA and the University of Suffolk
Prof. Darryl Newport
(University of
Suffolk) and Prof.
Naresh Pandit
3.55 7. Any other business
Officer Contact
If you have any questions about matters contained on this agenda, please get in touch