Innovative Pro
ects Fund - 2018 Pro
ects Call
Programme Overview - What is the Innovative Projects Fund
What is the Overall Programme Status?
Overall: Green
Delivery: Green
Spend: Green
Outputs: Green
What are our Key Updates?
What is our Financial Position?
Actual Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual Forecast Actual
2019/20 2020/21 Q1‐21/22 Q1‐21/22 Q2‐21/22 Q2‐21/22 Q3‐21/22 Q3‐21/22 Q4‐21/22 Q4‐21/22
0.400 0.308 0.308 0.251 0.251 0.244 0.244 0.200 0.200
0.540 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.140 0.092 0.125 0.057 0.045 0.007 0.037 0.044 0.200 0.072
0.000 0.105 0.125 0.068 0.045 0.038 0.037 -0.007 0.200 0.129
0.400 0.308 0.183 0.251 0.206 0.244 0.207 0.200 0.000
What is our contribution to the Economic Strategy?
Quarter/ year:
(January- March) 2022
Actual to date Programme
Target to 2021
10 60
85 94
1 415
385 848
What is the Project Delivery Status?
What are the Next Steps?
The Innovative Projects Fund is a revenue grant programme that provides funding towards innovative projects to support the delivery of the themes and activities identified in the Economic and Local
Industrial Strategies. The first call of the Innovative Projects Fund was made in October 2018 with a remit to facilitate innovative projects supporting economic growth and the delivery of the
Economic Strategy utilising revenue from the Enterprise Zone Pot C.
Number of businesses created
Outputs – cumulative from April 1st 2019 to 31st March2022 (Quarter 4 2021/22)
Financial Year
Number of Direct Full-Time Jobs Created
High Value Jobs created
Carried forward
Financials (£ million)
Brought Forward
LEP Allocation
Spend [Act/Fcst]
Number of Jobs Safeguarded
There are 7 projects under the 2018 call of the Innovative Projects Fund with a combined allocation and commitment of £539,531.
The value of claims for the first year (2019/20) was £139,951.
The value of claims for the second year (2020/21) was £91,362.82
Actual Spend to date is £410,731 (76%) of the Programme Budget.
£179,147 has been claimed so far in this financial year. The total project spend to date is £951,970.27
Public match funding of £410,254.46 and Private match funding of £130,984.81 has been recorded.
7 out of the 7 projects have Offer Letters.
Building Supply Chains - NCC: This full grant award has now been paid to this project. The project has been re-profiled. The original objective of the ‘Building Skills Capacity’ project, marketed as
‘Gearing up to Grow’ was to assist local SMEs to enter and support the future onshore part of the Vattenfall (and other wind energy project) supply chains by raising awareness and understanding the
opportunities, enabling them to upskill their staff and create jobs and form consortiums to enable them to bid for projects within the supply chain. Due to the decision delays to approve the Vattenfall
Offshore windfarm (DCO) and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the decision was made to pause the project in 2020, taking the opportunity to revisit the project aims and objectives. Norfolk
County Council will now use the remaining project funding to become Phase 1 of a larger project across the Green Energy sector opportunities that effect the East Anglian workforce and supply
chain. The latter requires a time extension to 31st March 2022 to deliver the activity.
Since approval of the PCR NCC have commissioned SBLC Ltd (Simon Baker) to undertake a period of research to ascertain the volume and value of Clean Energy Sector opportunities for the local
supply chain, working closely with the NCC Team, Suffolk County Council and NALEP. The project has spent a further £948 with c. £5000 due in the next quarter. A further project reprofile was
submitted to the Programme Caseworker 07/01/2022. This now requires reviewing.
The Ipswich Cornhill Action Plan- Ipswich Central: A claim of £23,712.05 was submitted late for Quarter 3 and a further claim of £2,032.95 was paid in Quarter 4. This project has been
completed. The project attracted £57,391.41 in Public Match Funding and £34,301.74 in Private Match funding. It created 62 new events in the Cornhill, increased dwell time by 9.75% and created
a 27.75% increase in visits to the area.
Norfolk & Suffolk Offshore Wind Competitiveness Positioning Programme - GYBC: Total project expenditure over three claims to date is £299,728 with a total of £88,731 paid out to GYBC.
Total Public match £210,997 has been evidenced. The project is progressing well despite COVID restrictions preventing Offshore / Inward Investment events from going ahead at present. Physical
events are hopefully returning and plans are in place to have a physical launch at Global Offshore Wind, London at the end of September. Plans for attending Wind Europe in October, and Electric
City in Copenhagen at end of November are also in place. The total grant award has been paid out and the project is in its final stage.
Fit for Nuclear - West Suffolk College: The project started in 2020. However, due to COVID and Sizewell still awaiting the Final Investment Decision (FID) this project has not progressed as well
as hoped. The project grant has been withdrawn but the funding ringfenced for a future project related to Nuclear readiness.
2 out of 7 projects are now in their delivery phase. Five projects have claimed in full (Building Supply Chains is still in the delivery Phase).
Profiled Spend to the end of 2021/22 Quarter 3 was £438,865. Actual spend to date is £410,731.
See outputs table below.
Number of part time jobs create
Number of Businesses Supported (at least 12 hrs of support)
Number of Learners
Number of businesses engaged
Growing the Year-Round Economy - Visit East of England: A 6th claim has been submitted in this quarter totalling £8,786.39 and has been approved, this project will be paid its last paument in
early October. Two data stewards and administrator are now facilitated in an office with the Affinity Agency who are developing the website. This gives them instant access to developers and client
manager and help speed their work. The accommodation booking API is now functional and VEE is working with partners ‘Staylists’ to encourage more accommodation venues to sign up. This
project has been completed.
The Catapult - The Catapult Network: The Catapult - The Catapult Network: Andy Holyland based at Orbis Energy in Lowestoft started on 1st January 2020. 8 claims have been paid to date
totalling £50,000. The same total of Private Match has been recorded. This project has been completed.
Creating Creative Capital - NUA: This project was re-approved by the IAC in October 2019. This project is being paid in stages. The project has been paid £90,000. 2 monitoring reports have
been received for the first phase.
The Programmes Case Worker for the IPF Programme is working with Project Leaders of the 2018 project call to ensure claims and associated monitoring reports are received for Quarter 4 of
2019/20 2020/21 Q1‐21/22 Q2‐21/22 Q3‐21/22 Q4‐21/22
QtrlyForecast QtrlyClaims AvailableIPF