process for extending the scheme which will restart in January 2022.
Enquiries to GTI have dropped and a change request is being submitted to amend the programme to
allow for more approvals.
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
Resilience and Recovery Programme Performance Report
CD advised that £187k is available to spend and the scheme is being used as a possible alternative to
GBF as if projects are not suitable to receive those funds.
CD noted that the contract with Finance East ends in December but will need to be extended to the end
of the financial year.
CD presented the new style report format and it was agreed that the GBF would be shown in the same
way next month.
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
IPF Calls 1 & 2 Programme Performance Report and IPF 2 project RAG rating appendix
CD reiterated that the projects had been significantly impacted by the pandemic but generally were
processing. The Amber ratings largely relate to administrative and recruitment issues but were still
proceeding. Spend profiles are being reached and claims are being processed.
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
Growing Places Fund Investment update, One Farm - Confidential