Funding has been added to the pot giving a budget of around £4m and the funds must be spent by the
end of March 2022.
£1.2m is not yet committed with applications worth £600k going through due diligence.
SGS – Virtually all monies from the original fund have been spent but the top up funding is being finalised
and then the fund will restart running to the summer of 2023. The scheme will be promoted again when
more confidence is achieved with MHCLG.
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
Resilience and Recovery Programme Performance Report
CD confirmed that enquiries are still being received but are slowing and some new enquiries are going to
the GBF fund. All funds will be used by current enquiries.
Feedback has been very positive with significant support having been provided to businesses.
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
IPF Calls 1 & 2 Programme Performance Report and IPF 2 project RAG rating appendix
CD confirmed that all projects are green as they catch up with deliveries following the pandemic
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
Suffolk Inclusive Growth Investment Fund- Round 4 projects for approval - Confidential
DE declared in interest in those projects sponsored by Ipswich Borough Council and left the meeting for
those items.
The Committee agreed:
To note the content of the report
To ratify the funding decisions from the Suffolk Growth Management Team