Norfolk and Suffolk Clean Growth Taskforce
Wednesday 9th March 2022
Agenda Item 5
Alternative Fuels Strategy and Action Plan
This paper provides a brief background to the Alternative Fuels Strategy and presents the high-level
strategy document at Appendix A. It will be presented at the meeting by Element Energy, the
consultant’s appointed to deliver the commission.
The Taskforce is asked to:
Note the presentation provided by Element Energy
Agree to recommend the adoption of the Strategy to the LEP Board
Agree that the decarbonising transport sub-group consider next steps
Element Energy was commissioned to develop an Alternative Fuels Strategy and Action Plan, a
project New Anglia LEP has worked on with the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined
The key objectives of the Alternative Fuel Strategy and Accompanying Action Plan were to provide:
An understanding of the current policy and funding landscape for alternative fuels at local and
national level
An evidence base of likely alternative fuel uptake and best practice policy for supporting this
A costed and deliverable programme of measures to address barriers to uptake, which reflects
the specific challenges and opportunities of the region
Alternative Fuels Strategy and Action Plan
The high-level strategy and action plan is included at Appendix A. It is supported by a more
detailed evidence base, which has been shared with the decarbonising transport sub-group, and
action plan. It covers the following:
Context for action
Review of the current transport system including modal share/emissions and current
alternative fuel take up/infrastructure
Future scenarios around electrification and hydrogen