Business Resilience and Recovery Programme
ramme Overview - What is the Business Resilience and Recover
What is the Overall Pro
ramme Status
What are our Ke
What is our Financial Position
Forecast Actual
Actual Actual Actual
Actual Actual Actual
2020/21 Qtr 1 2020/21 Qtr 2 2020/21 Qtr 3 2020/21 Qtr 4 2020/21 Qtr 1 2021/22 Qtr 2 Actual Qtr 3 Actual
£3,500,000.00 £3,500,000.00 £2,709,864.00 £3,144,185.00 £1,808,546.00 £1,330,036.00 £382,070.00 £94,344.00
£3,500,000.00 £290,639.00 £1,047,528.00 £1,375,853.00 £691,832.00 £699,315.00 £595,848.00 £216,015.00
£3,500,000.00 £790,136.00 £2,189,359.00 £1,335,639.00 £478,510.00 £547,966.00 £287,726.00 £5,880.00
£3,500,000.00 £2,709,864.00 £520,505.00 £1,808,546.00 £1,330,036.00 £782,070.00 £94,344.00 £189,864.00
What is our contribution to the Economic Strategy?
Quarter/ year:
2020/21 QTR 1 2021/22 QTR 2 2021/22 QTR 3 2021/22
15 21 -2 235
300 174 -35.5 3,285
£1,081,297.51 £600,659.00 -£4,818.00 £9,132,534.60
£0.00 £0.00
What is the Project Delivery Status
What are the Next Steps
Commercial Floor Space (SqM)
•The Business Resilience and Recovery Scheme was launched on Monday 4th May and the scheme has proved popular with several enquiries already being handled, developed, and
progressed through the Growth Hub.
•144 businesses have now been supported, the most recent being ‘D C Engineering (East Anglia) Ltd’, awarded £41,880.
•Total R&R grant value awarded to date is £5,635,216 with a total projects value of £14,767,751. Private match of £9,132,535 has been committed. £4,917,0311 has been paid out to 134
businesses (119 have had their final payments).
•Unallocated funding (including underspend of £101,400) is £189,864.
•Investment in these 144 businesses will create 235 FTEs and safeguard 3285.5.
•Of the 144 businesses supported, 87 are in Norfolk (£3,375,329) and 57 are in Suffolk (£2,259,887).
•3 business applications are in the pipeline with a total grant ask of £141,850, applications are being monitored and will be approved on a first come first served basis.
The first tranche of funding for the programme (from the LGF) is now fully committed. Expenditure of the LGF was due by the end of the calendar
year (LGF - £3,500,000). The programme has now started allocating funds from the Get Building Fund allocation (£2,623,680).
£400,000 was transferred to GBF in quarter 2. £5,635,216 has been awarded to 144 projects, representing 98.45% of the total programme budget.
£4,917,031 has been paid out to 133 businesses (119 of which have had their final payments). NB: Not every business receives an upfront
£ 5,635,216 has been awarded to 144 projects. The has enabled 144 businesses and their associated supply chains to start the journey to recover
from the consequences of COVID-19 restrictions. 235 FTEs have been created and 3285.5 FTEs have been safeguarded.
LGF Committed = £3,542,389 (Allocating grant awards in full to one fund means that the t
otal exceeds £3,500,000 LGF allocation slightly).
•91 businesses supported in total
Getting Building Fund Committed – £2,092,827
•53 businesses supported in total
Qtr 4- The Growth Hub will continue to signpost, develop and progress R&R applications to the Finance East's Due Diligence Team. Regular Team meetings are held to review processes
and suggest improvements to the scheme and its wider dissemination and take up.
The Business Resilience and Recovery Scheme provides support to businesses in Norfolk and Suffolk that have been affected by the Covid-19 Coronavirus and are looking at ways to
recover and strengthen their business performance. Companies applying under the scheme can apply for a 50% grant towards capital costs involved in initial resilience and future
recovery of their business. A grant of £25,000 up to a maximum of £50,000 is available to support projects.
Figures reflect the period to 10/01/2022
Private Match (£)
Outputs – cumulative from 04/05/2020 to 13/12/2021
Financial Year
Number of Direct Full-Time Jobs Created
Carried forward
Financials (£ million)
Brought Forward
LEP Allocation
Spend [Act/Fcst
Number of Direct Full-Time Jobs Safeguarded
The Business Resilience and Recovery scheme has supported 144 businesses to date, (awarding £5,635,216). 133 businesses have received
initial payments (£2,553,583) and 119 have had their final payments (£2,363,448). £4,917,031 paid out in total. 3 businesses have withdrawn from
the scheme (the 'businesses supported' figure accounts for this).
Public Match (£)
Q1‐20/21 Q2‐20/21 Q3‐20/21 Q4‐20/21 Q1‐21/22 Q2‐21/22
Qtrlyawarded QtrlyClaims R&RBudgetAllocated